TNA Impact Wrestling Results 11/5/14


Credit: Mark Bessler

Tonight’s big show opens with a thorough recap of Bobby Roode’s quest to wrest the title from Bobby Lashley. When the lights come up in the venue, Kurt Angle calls new champ Bobby Roode out to the ring. Roode says he’s proud to carry the title and ready to move forward as a fighting champ. Cue the music for MVP and his posse. MVP verbally tears down Roode and says he deserves the next title shot because he was hurt back when he had a shot at the strap. Angle says he likes where it’s going and asks Roode if he’ll put the title on the line against MVP tonight and Roode readily accepts. Lashley looks pretty torqued but this match is booked on the spot.

A recap of the tag team tournament follows and we’re reminded that very soon we’ll see Samoa Joe and Low Ki versus the Hardy’s for a shot at the tag titles. Joe and Low Ki cut a promo backstage saying that it’s about to go down… Commercial sign.

Number One Contender’s Match: The Hardys vs. Samoa Joe and Low Ki

Low Ki and Jeff start things out. There’s a good deal of back and forth before Jeff slows things down with a headlock. They break and come back together and Jeff keeps the advantage, tagging in Matt. Matt and Low Ki grapple and Low Ki finally starts to turn it around. He tags in Joe who pummels Matt. Low Ki tags back in and they double-team Matt and then Low Ki gets a two-count. Matt finally pushes Low Ki into his corner and Jeff comes in on a blind tag. Jeff puts Low Ki on the mat and holds him with a headlock. He then moves over to the corner, tags in Matt and Matt hits Low Ki from the ropes and gets another near fall. Jeff comes back in, gets another near fall and Joe breaks the count. Low Ki tries to come back against Jeff but he can’t mount any sort of lasting offense. He eventually tags in Joe who brings Jeff into check. After some chops and a kick, Joe covers for a near fall and then it’s commercial time.

Back from the break, Jeff has made some progress in resisting Joe but they both end up on the mat, crawling for their respective corners and Jeff gets the tag first. Matt and Low Ki meet in the center of the ring and Matt hits a side effect. Low Ki barrels back and he double-teams Matt with Joe. Matt hangs on and heads for the ropes but Low Ki thwarts his aerial attack and hits the Warrior’s Way. Jeff has to break up the ensuing pinfall attempt. Low Ki gets another near fall on Matt as Jeff tangles with Joe. The action becomes fast and furious as bodies fly everywhere. Joe gets the choke on Matt and Jeff breaks it up with a swanton. When the dust settles, Low Ki and Jeff are the legal guys and after a flurry of action, Jeff cleans Low Ki’s clock with a huge kick. The Hardy’s double-team, Matt hits a moonsault on low Ki and covers for the win.

Result: The Hardys defeat Low Ki and Samoa Joe by pinfall and advance to a title match against The Wolves.

Outside, we see James Storm is still trying to win over Davey Richards. Backstage, Bobby Roode says he’s going to repeat MVP for suspending him a while back and defeat him in grand fashion later tonight.

Off the break, we get a recap of the Gunner/Samuel Shaw feud and then we find Samuel Shaw and his main squeeze Brittany in the ring. Shaw talks about the demise of his friendship with Gunner and then Brittany licks Shaw’s face for a long time. No, really. Then they lay down in the ring to get it on and Gunner comes out to put the kibosh on their love fest. Gunner says they’re both creepy and then he throws down with Shaw. He tries to strangle Shaw with Shaw’s shirt and Brittany jumps on Gunner’s back. Shaw gets up and hits Gunner in the yam bags. While he’s down, Shaw puts on his gloves and then slaps his chokehold on Gunner and puts him out. A totally weird segment from top to bottom.

Commercials roll and then we come back to TNAland for a promo package about Indian grappler Mahabali Shera. Looks like he’ll be a force to reckon with once he’s on the roster full time. Then MVP gripes to Kurt Angle backstage about how things are going in TNA and Kurt gives it right back to him. Back to ringside…

Tommy Dreamer and Devon vs. Bram and Magnus

Everybody throws down before they all make it to the ring. Tommy and Devon end up in the ring with Magnus work him over and then they end up outside again with Bram. Dreamer and Magnus duel in one area of ringside as Devon and Bram get back in the ring. Magnus joins the fray and Bram gets the upper hand on Devon, choking him in the corner. Tommy jumps back into it and plasters Magnus with a tray and then goes outside to retrieve a chair and trashcan. Magnus slows Dreamer down and puts him into an open chair. Bram and Magnus work Dreamer over while Devon is out of action. Bram is the most aggressive in the ring and he does a number on Dreamer before putting him down for a near fall. Devon makes it back into the fight and cracks Bram good with a trashcan lid and then puts the garbage can on Bram’s crotch before hitting it with a chair. Magnus and Dreamer fight on the ropes and Bram gets involved to try a double superplex but Devon sneaks in and takes them all out. Devon is first up after that spot and he goes outside for a table. Taz reminds us that it’s all legal. The table is set up outside as Magnus gets a kendo stick and does some damage. Dreamer catches dire, checking Magnus into a garbage can, kicking him in the jewels and then cracking him with a kendo stick. He follows with a DDT and a cover and it’s all over.

Result: Tommy Dreamer and Devon defeat Bram and Magnus via pinfall.

Backstage, Gail Kim says she’s going after Havok’s title tonight.

Following some paid advertisements, Rockstar Spud emerges to talk with Jeremy Borash. Spud says he enjoyed working with the Carters but adds that EC3 became a “wanker.” The crowd agrees. Spud says he won’t change for anybody and dubs himself “Mr. 99%.” Borash gives Spud some strokes and then EC3 hits the ramp with Tyrus. Instead of the usual “You can’t wrestle” chants, he’s greeted with “He’s a wanker!” chants. Ethan says EC3 owes everything to him and gives Spud the chance to apologize for his statements. Spud declines and Tyrus holds his arms as Carter gets closer. Spud still defies Carter and Tyrus but before the beatdown can commence, Jeremy Borash interferes. EC3 turns on Borash and slaps him, prompting Spud to fly at Carter. Eric Young comes out with a chair to even things out and Carter and Tyrus retreat to round this one out.

TNA Knockout title match: Gail Kim vs. Havok

Gail Kim heads at Havok before the bell to attack her on the ramp but it totally backfires. Havok overpowers Gail for the most part and although Kim comes back with a few shots, Havok stays in control of their brawl. She puts Gail into the ring post headfirst and although Gail does get back up, Havok just continues the assault, dragging Kim up the ramp by the hair. Kim fights back when they reach the stage but Havok tosses her off the ramp and down to the floor below. Refs and officials come out and this one never gets off the ground.

After the commercial, TNA officials try to call this one a no contest but Gail Kim insists on continuing. She throws herself at Havok in the ring, they battle outside again and Havok puts Kim into the steps. The ref counts to nine and then Havok goes back outside to continue the punishment. She tosses Gail inside the ring and goes for the slam but Gail catches her in a submission move. Havok counters with a side slam. She tries to finish Kim but Gail fights back some more. She ends up with a near fall off a cross body block but in the next series, Havok catches her with a hammerlock slam. Gail kicks out at two and hits “eat the feet” on Havok, earning another near fall. She goes up top and Havok catches her off the ropes with a choke slam. She covers Kim to retain the title.

Result: Havok defeats Gail Kim to retain the title.

We see some interesting footage of Manik trying to cozy up with TNA newbie Mahabali Shera in the cafeteria and then backstage, we get a glimpse of a tiff between MVP and Lashley. Lashley is apparently miffed because MVP gets the first shot at Roode’s title. Commercials roll and the main event is on deck.

World Heavyweight Title Match: MVP vs. Bobby Roode

MVP is pretty aggressive to start and he grapples with Roode but the champ drops him with an elbow to slow things down. They battle back and forth until MVP tips the scales again, putting Roode down and forcing him outside. MVP kicks Roode outside and then uses the guardrail to do some damage. He then tosses Roode into the steel steps and puts him back in the ring. MVP looks for a cover but comes up short. Roode comes back with some shots to the gut and a few chops. MVP drops Roode again and follows with an elbow and a bridge suplex into a pin for a two count. The challenger works Roode into a choke on the mat as the ref looks for a submission. Although Roode gets back up, MVP continues the assault, preventing the champ from putting together any consistent offense. Roode somehow works MVP into position for a superplex and follows through but MVP kicks out of the ensuing pin. Roode fires up the crowd and looks for the Roode-bomb but MVP counters. MVP works Roode over on the mat and gets another near fall but he can’t put the champ away. Roode comes out of once more and ultimately lands a Roode-bomb and gets the pin to keep the title.

Result: Bobby Roode defeats MVP and remains champion.

After the match, Lashley sneaks in and lands a surprise spear on Bobby Roode. MVP tries to high-five Lashley but the former champ blows him off and keeps walking.

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