TNA Impact Results 7/22/15


Credit: Sharon Glencross

Dixie Carter comes down to the ring and announces Jeff Jarrett as the newest (and last?) person to be inducted into the company’s Hall of Fame. We get a very, very cool career highlight package for Jeff, including his feuds with Kurt Angle and Jerry Lawler. We go to Josh Matthews and the Pope, who hype up tonight’s card, including Bram vs. Magnus in a streetfight, which is next.

Bram vs. Magnus

They brawl in the aisle right away. They get in the ring briefly but are soon on the outside again where Magnus hits a suplex and kicks Bram hard in the face. Josh talks about their history on the commentary. Magnus continues to go after Bram with punches and stomps. Magnus hits Bram with a trashcan lid and a steel chair. Magnus hits the flying elbow and gets a two count. The ref goes down and Bram hits a low blow and a roll up for the win.

Winner: Bram

After the match is over, James Storm comes down to the ring and attacks Magnus with the cowbell. He says he will reveal the lady who is mystery tag team partner in his match against Mickie and Magnus later on tonight.

We get a video recap of Eli Drake attacking Drew. He will apparently tell all next.

Eli comes out with a new entrance video. He makes fun of the fans for being idots and mocks Drew. He says he’s making the most of his chance in TNA. He says Micah and Drew were holding him down and Drew was always taking the credit for The Rising’s success. The Rising were a success? Eli vows that Drew will never be World Champion while he is still around.

Drew comes out and gets on the mic. He says he was shocked by Eli’s betrayal. He’s been depressed and drinking. And now he’s just angry. He vows revenge and tells Eli he will “make him famous.” Isn’t that gimmick infringement? Drew heads down to face Eli and they brawl for a while until Eli rolls out and runs off while Drew goes crazy and screams his name.

Taryn is outraged at Gail Kim’s interference costing her the KO belt last week…and she says she wants to confront Gail in six sides of steel. Josh hypes up the Gail/Taryn feud and discusses their history on commentary.

Taryn comes out and starts blaming everyone in sight for the title loss, including Christy and the fans, amusingly enough. New KO champion Brooke comes out and makes fun of her. She says the Dollhouse deserve every single thing they get. She says Taryn doesn’t matter; the TNA fans do. Taryn flips out and says no one can touch her. Brooke dares her to come and get her. Taryn heads down to the ramp to get Brooke but…it’s all a ruse to get Taryn out of the way so Gail can get in the cage and take out the rest of the Dollhouse. Tayrn tries to get in but is locked out. She watches on helplessly as Kim decimates Marti and Jade. Brooke then chases Taryn off.

TNA show highlights of the King of the Mountain match from Slammiversary. Thanks Hernandez, I guess. They aired the entire match, which makes me wonder just how much footage they filmed with the BDC and Hernandez. I think it must have been a great deal.

We get Tigre Uno’s promo on Trump next. He challenges the presidential candidate to a confrontation. I doubt TNA will snag a Trump appearance. Just a hunch. Tigre says he’s a loving father and a lucha legend. He says he’s worked hard for everything he’s had and Trump’s remarks about immigrants offend him. He invites Trump to the next TNA show. It will be interesting to see if this segment gets the company any mainstream attention. Probably not, but you never know. At least it’s topical.

The Revolution are backstage. They will introduce their new mystery female member next. We get a recap of the Storm/Mickie/Magnus angle.

The Revolution comes down to the ring. Serena Deeb is introduced as Storm’s partner for the mixed gender tag team match. Storm notes they are ex-friends and that Serena knows Mickie even better than Magnus does. Serena tells the story about how Mickie was her mentor in OVW, but then Mickie became a big star and forgot about her. Storm says he can’t wait to team up with Serena and embarrass Mickie and Magnus.

Rockstar Spud vs. Eric Young

This is a chain match, for some reason. Are these two in the middle of a grudge feud that warrants that stipulation and just never told anyone? I don’t know. Anyway, Young is a crazy man and is immediately trying to choke Spud to death with the chain. The crowd really hates Eric here. Spud tries to roll out of the ring at one point but it’s no use. Young continues to brutalize Spid with the chain and smashes his face with it before choking him some more. Spud fights back a bit but the match ends when Young piledrives him on the chain. The story of this match seemed to be how insane Young still is.

Winner: Eric Young

Matt Hardy vs. Robert Roode in a Tables match for the No. 1 contendership

Lock up and Roode rushes Hardy into the corner. Roode goes for a lariat but Matt fights back with the side effect. Things go outside and Roode slams Hardy on the steel steps. That was an incredibly nasty looking bump. Roode goes for the table and tries to crush Hardy with it. Matt shoves it back up in his face and hits the twist of fate. He puts Roode across the table but Roode fights back. Roode goes for the powerbomb but Matt reverses for the twist of fate. The match ended when Hardy backdropped Roode through the table for the victory.

Winner: Matt Hardy

They hype up Jeff Hardy’s return and Mickie James’ final match to close out this edition of impact.


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