The Undertaker’s WrestleMania XXX Opponent


With WrestleMania XXX now just three months away, and the Royal Rumble being the prop that begins the “Road to WrestleMania”, there’s still a big question mark in regards to the Undertaker’s opponent. At this point, WWE creative still have nothing set in stone in regards to who will challenge “The Streak” as part of the 30th Anniversary of WrestleMania.

It’s been long discussed that Brock Lesnar would be the man to challenge Taker, but there are concerns with that now happening. Not only are officials concerned with Brock’s aggressive style and the potential effects it could cause the Undertaker, but there are now bigger concerns. In the last several WrestleMania’s, dating back at least the last 5 years, the Undertaker has had extensive time to rehearse his matches with guys like HBK, HHH, and CM Punk. However, Lesnar’s WWE contract only has him slated to travel a specific number of dates per year. Taking time out to work with the Taker prior to Mania could put Brock well over his current number of contracted dates.

Two things can be taken into consideration here. The first being that the WWE could negotiate for an extended amount of dates should they feel it would be beneficial. Another thing to note is that Lesnar and the Undertaker are considered friends beyond the world of Sports Entertainment.

Not only has the WWE reached out to Sting in recent months as a potential Undertaker opponent, but it’s also been revealed that Taker requested Daniel Bryan as his Mania 30 opponent should the Lesnar thing fall through. If that wasn’t all, WWE creative are still holding on to the possibility of John Cena being put in the spot to take on the Undertaker.

Everything remains up in the air right now, but WWE wants to have all of their main events for WMXXX figured out going into the Royal Rumble. These next three weeks should be very interesting.


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