The Hulkster & UW Himself Comment on Warrior’s HoF Induction



Since the announcement of the Ultimate Warrior joining the WWE Hall of Fame there’s been quite a buzz around “UW” and his upcoming HoF Speech. The Warrior has finally broken his silence since the announcement and tweeted the following earlier today.

“Predictions, speculation, guesses…even after 18 years one UW power has not diminished at all…His power to fascinate imaginations.#WWEHOF

“First time in my #WWE career everyone is in total, absolute agreement: “You don’t want to miss the #UltimateWarrior #WWEHOF speech.” I agree”

TMZ also caught up with the Hulkster to get his take on Warrior’s induction. Hogan wisely played it cool, completely ignoring any past heat between he and the Ultimate one. You can take a look at the video below…


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