Talk On Why WWE And Dr. Chris Amann Are Firing Back At CM Punk


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As noted, WWE issued a statement and video on Friday that supported Dr. Chris Amann’s defamation lawsuit against CM Punk and Colt Cabana. WWE said their investigation found the following:

* CM Punk did not discuss this alleged condition with WWE’s team of physicians and trainers, nor did he discuss it with anyone in our Talent Relations department.

* Subsequently, WWE has no medical records documenting this alleged condition.

* The first time WWE was made aware of this alleged condition was when we received a letter from CM Punk’s attorney on August 22, 2014, after WWE terminated his contract.

* There is clear video evidence from the 2014 Royal Rumble, which allows all to decide whether there is any appearance of a baseball-sized growth on CM Punk’s back.

In regards to why WWE and Amann are firing back at Punk, Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter wrote the following on his message board:

There’s a reason this all came out.

WWE lost round one to a guy they now believe beat them at their own game and they can’t say that so this is what they are doing.

When they settled, they thought he had them dead to rights. Now they think he outworked them and they don’t take that as well.

Thoughts about who wins the court case is missing the entire point. It’s never going to trial. It’s about revenge for them being worked into caving early. At least that’s their version. They have to use the doctor because they can’t sue.

But they absolutely believe they are in the right.


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