Stephanie McMahon Says The Darren Young Character Isn’t Gay


Source: Daily Beast

The Daily Beast ran an article today about the WWE’s hesitation to promote gay, lesbian and transgender characters on their program today, during that article, Stephanie McMahon shared an interesting quote.

“Darren Young was the first WWE superstar to really come out as being homosexual, but his character in the show is not,” McMahon said. “At least, we haven’t done anything with it either way — just yet.”

Stephanie is differentiating the Darren Young character, which she considers not to be gay, and Fred Rosser, who plays the character and is gay.

Darren Young came out as gay in August 2013, as TMZ cameras caught up with him while at LAX. It made him the WWE’s only actively openly gay performer.

Since then, there has been little to no mention of Young’s sexual orientation on WWE programming. Young and tag team partner Titus O’Neil did make mention of it jokingly on WWE’s YouTube, noting that Darren Young already had his “coming out party.”


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