SPOILERS: TNA One Night Only “World Cup” Pay-Per-View Results


Spoilers courtesy of TNAInsider.com

TNA One Night Only PPV Results for “World Cup” Event

The format for this year’s world cup deviated from last year. Team captains were selected and the captains had a draft, selecting a roster of TNA Wrestlers. The captains were Eric Young, Kurt Angle, Ethan Carter III, Bobby Roode.

TNA World Cup Draft

• Eric Young selected Bully Ray, Eddie Edwards, ODB and Gunner

• Kurt Angle selected Davey Richards, Mr. Anderson, Sanada and Madison Rayne

• EC3 selected Jessie Godders, Robbie E, Magnus and Gail Kim.

• Bobby Roode selected James Storm, Kenny King, Samuel Shaw and The Beautiful People.

TNA World Cup Qualifying Matches

1.Eddie Edwards defeated James Storm.
2.The Bromans defeated Mr. Anderson & Sanada. Match was mostly a comedy match.
3.Gail Kim defeated Madison Rayne
4.Eric Young defeated Bobby Roode.
5.Kurt Angle defeated Magnus. ECIII was supposed to face Angle but he demanded that Magnus take his place.
6.Angelina Love defeated ODB when Velvet ran a distraction allowing love to win.
7.Ethan Carter III defeated Davey Richards.
8.Gunner and Bully Ray defeated Samuel Shaw and Kenny King.

TNA World Cup Finals

The two finalist teams are Team Eric Young vs. Team Ethan Carter III. They faced off in elimination style matches.

1. ODB eliminated Gail Kim.
2. Robbie E eliminated ODB.
3.The Bromans double teamed and eliminated Eddie Edwards.
4.Bully Ray eliminated Jessie Goddarz.
5.Robbie E eliminated Bully Ray.
6.Gunner eliminated Robbie E.
7.Magnus eliminated Gunner.
8.Ethan Carter was disqualified when he hit a low blow on Eric Young and the referee saw this.
9.Eric Young eliminated Magnus, winning the World Cup for his team.

Team Eric Young celebrated with his team and their new TNA World Cup Trophy.


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