Spoilers: TNA Impact Wrestling Results For 11/12/14


Thanks to Louis “L” Celecz and Big Iz (@BigIzzysWorld) for the following TNA Impact Wrestling spoilers from tonight’s tapings in Bethlehem, PA. These should air on November 12th:

* The Wolves defeated The Hardys and Team 3D in a Full Metal Mayhem. This was a brutal match with lots of spots. All teams had to be helped to the back or checked on by trainers.

* Samoa Joe vacates the X Division Title because he’s not cleared to compete.

* Tyrus with Ethan Carter III defeated Eric Young with Rockstar Spud.

* Eric Young gets laid out by Bobby Lashley. Austin Aries makes the save.

* Gunner defeated Samuel Shaw in a No DQ match. Brittany interfered to help Shaw and accidentally dropped him on the way out.

* Austin Aries defeated Bobby Lashley by DQ when Lashley speared Aries outside of the ring.

* Taryn Terrell defeated Havok and Gail Kim in a triple threat to win the Knockouts Title. This was said to be a good Knockouts match. We’re not sure if this airs on the November 12th episode or the November 19th episode.


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