TNA Impact Results for 7/24/14


TNA taped the rest of the July 24th Impact Wrestling episode on Thursday night in New York City. Below are spoilers from both night’s of tapings for this episode:

Taped on Wednesday 6/25:

* Dixie Carter kicks off the show and comes out to huge heel heat with Rockstar Spud, Rhino and Ethan Carter III. Bully Ray ends up interrupting for a fight. Devon makes a surprise return to a big pop and Team 3D reunites in NYC. They clean house and Ray holds EC3 while Devon hits the diving headbutt. They then put Ethan through a table and teased putting Dixie through one.

* Robbie E returns as BroMans come out. Low Ki vs. DJ Zema Ion is next. Low Ki gets the easy win and a big pop.

* The Great Muta came out to barely a reaction which was odd. Muta quickly squashed Robbie E. James Storm came out to have words with Muta. Storm attacked Muta and Sanada ran out. Storm left the ring and Sanada attacked Muta with a steel chair and hit a moonsault.

* Jeff Hardy comes out limping and said we haven’t seen the last of Willow. He brings out Matt Hardy to a pop. Matt cuts a promo about turning his life around and said it’s time to become the TNA Tag Team Champions. The Wolves come out with their titles to respond. A tag team title match is announced for the Destination X tapings.

* In-ring segment with Kurt Angle and Austin Aries. Aries is asked to give up the X Division Title to face Bobby Lashley for the World Heavyweight Title at Destination X. MVP and Lashley were also in the ring. Aries agrees to give up the title and will face Lashley at Destination X.

* King Mo comes out and cuts a promo with Dixie Carter.

* The main event is a Street Fight and it’s Devon, Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhino, Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud. Ezekiel Jackson and Snitsky run in wearing black hoodies and help Team Dixie get the win. Impact ends with Dixie, King Mo, Snitsky, Ezekiel, Rhino, EC3 and Spud posing together.

Taped on Thursday 6/26:

* Jeremy Borash came out to hype the crowd up while they waited for some seats to be filled before starting the show. This show is sold out.

* Bobby Roode vs. MVP opens the show but MVP doesn’t come out. Roode goes back looking for him and the crowd is hot to start the show. MVP and Roode end back up at ringside. Kenny King comes out to help MVP but Eric Young makes the save. Roode defeats MVP in a Falls Count Anywhere match in the middle of the ring with a Sharpshooter.

* Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim for the TNA Knockouts Title is up next. Velvet Sky and Angelina Love interfere, attacking Taryn and causing the DQ. This was said to be a good back and forth match before the interference. The Beautiful People laid both Taryn and Gail out.

* Mr. Anderson and Gunner vs. Bram and Magnus is up next. Magnus and Bram win a quick match after a double team finisher. They beat on Anderson and Gunner after the match until Samuel Shaw runs out and makes the save. Bram ends up beating Shaw down also. Abyss runs out and saves Shaw and Anderson from a beatdown. Abyss clears the ring and Magnus stops Bram from going back in.


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