Spoilers: TNA iMPACT Results for 4/17 & 4/24/14


Spoilers courtesy of TNAInsider.com

Spoilers for April 17 2014

* Madison Rayne beat Velvet Sky in a non-title Street Fight.

* Willow beat Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud in a handicap match. They attacked Willow after the match until Kurt Angle made the save to a big pop.

– Angle cut a promo and said he’s back. Angle says he’s not done until he’s taken out on a stretcher or put in a body bag.

– Kenny King comes out and cuts a promo about how good he is. He’s going to commentate the next match.

* Tigre Uno defeated Sanada in the second match of their best of three series.

– Eric Young comes to the ring to celebrate and thank the fans following his World Title win. Dixie Carter comes out to interrupt EY. Carter says she has always seen potential in Young. She reminds him that he wasn’t fired years ago when he started his “don’t fire Eric” campaign. Young responds by telling Dixie to leave because she is no longer in charge. Dixie refuses to leave and says that TNA is her company and that Eric Young belongs to her because he represents her company. Carter says ODB could be on the chopping block unless Young cooperates with her. Bully Ray comes out. He says Eric Young is a role model for every wrestler that has ever been held down. Dixie interrupts Ray and says that Bully double-crossed her. Bully gets the crowd going with the classic “good-bye” song as Dixie furiously leaves backstage.

* The Wolves defeated The BroMans via disqualification when DJ Z hit Eddie with a laptop.

– Bobby Roode cut a promo saying he is the new master of the tables and to prove his point he issued an open challenge for anyone in the back for a tables match. Gunner answers the challenge. Bobby Roode defeated Gunner in a tables match. Gunner had Roode beat and was ready to slam Roode through a table when James Storm interfered allowing Roode to win. Storm and Roode attacked Gunner together. Bully Ray came out to save Gunner.

– MVP comes out. He said that Samoa Joe has gone dark and won’t speak to him or return any of his calls. He said Samoa Joe is disgruntled. Austin Aries comes out and interrupts MVP. Aries says that because he has been held back that he is the most disgruntled man who has ever lived. Fans begin chanting for Aries and Aries responds saying it’s nice to know that there are some people that still know who Austin Aries is because MVP doesn’t. He said he has been sidelined since Lockdown due to MVP. MVP says he gave Aries a chance to be a part of his organization but Aries turned his back on him. MVP says he made his bed and it’s time to sleep on it. MVP challenges Aries to a fight. Aries says he isn’t interested in a throwing down fists with a convicted felon right now. He tells MVP to book the fight for next week.

* Eric Young defeated Abyss in a monsters ball match. Abyss choke-slammed Young into some thumbtacks then Abyss signaled that he was going slam Young onto a board wrapped in barbed wire. Young countered and dropkicked Abyss onto the barbed wire and then hit an elbow drop from the top rope for the pin.


Spoilers for April 24 2014

– Magnus came to the ring claimed that he wasn’t really beaten by Young and never lost the title. He says that the biggest failure of that fateful night was his help. He says good help is hard to find these days. Magnus calls out Abyss. Abyss comes out and Magnus calls him an idiot. Magnus says that now he realized why everyone abandoned him. Magnus says that Abyss can’t follow simple instructions to keep the title over his shoulders at all costs. Magnus fires Abyss.

Abyss said that all he wanted was to join the winning side and have a sense of belonging. He says that now he realizes that he is a Monster that destroys lives and that now that he isn’t employed by Magnus, he is going once again destroy lives beginning with Magnus. Magnus says that Abyss is no longer a contracted TNA Wrestler. MVP comes out to confirm the news but says he will consider this a try-out. If Abyss can defeat Magnus, he can regain his spot back in TNA.

* Bobby Lashley defeated Kenny King via countout. Lashley dominated King and was about to use his finisher but King quickly rolled out and walked off to the back while the referee counted him out.

– Madison Rayne came to the ring to call out the Beautiful People. Madison attacks The Beautiful people but TBP recover and attack Madison. Brittany runs out to try to save Madison but she too gets beaten down. The Beautiful people do their classic Brown Bag skit on Madison. Gail Kim comes out and saves Madison. She challenges TPB to a tag match later on tonight.

* Kurt Angle defeated Rockstar Spud. Angle gets the win via ankle lock. Ethan Carter III attacks Angle but Willow runs out and saves Angle.

* The Beautiful People defeated Madison Rayne & Gail Kim.

* Bobby Roode & James Storm defeated Bully Ray & Gunner.

* MVP defeated Austin Aries.


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