TNA iMPACT Results for 2/20/14


Credit goes to Geoffrey for the following TNA Impact Wrestling spoilers.

TNA iMPACT Tapings for 2-20-14 from Manchester, England

* Impact opens with Magnus, Dixie Carter, Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud. More heat for Magnus and “paper champion” chants. MVP interrupts them and comes to the ring this time. He gets a big pop when he says Magnus is as popular as David Moyes. Team Dixie vs. Team MVP in a 4 on 4 match at Lockdown is announced. We will find out the participants tonight but it looks like Team MVP is MVP, The Wolves and Gunner. MVP also got a “yes!” chant going.

* Gunner is cashing in his World Title briefcase against Magnus later tonight.

– We get a promo from Bobby Roode on the big screen. James Storm appeared and apparently they teased getting back together in the near future.

* Samoa Joe defeated Zema Ion and Bro Mans in a 3 on 1 handicap match.

– Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards vs. Daniels and Kazarian is announced for later.

* There’s an in-ring segment with Dixie Carter and Bobby Roode. Dixie is doing something with Roode’s contract, maybe it’s expiring, and he’s leaving TNA. Our correspondent noted fans were chanting for Roode to stay and for Beer Money to reunite. Dixie offers Roode 10% of the company if he will captain her team at Lockdown against Team MVP. Roode accepts.

* The Wolves defeated Kazarian and Daniels.

* Magnus defeated Gunner in the main event with the World Heavyweight Title on the line when James Storm turned on Gunner again.


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