Smackdown Results For 4/30/15


Below are results for tonight’s WWE SmackDown in Moline, IL.

* Roman Reigns defeated Kane by countout. Kane walked out on his match after randomly surprising Roman after his opening promo with an impromptu match.

* Damien Sandow pinned Curtis Axel. Sandow has a new shirt, which is his stunt double shirt, with the term “stunt double” crossed out. Mizdow has the Miz part replaced with “San” taped over it.

* Ryback defeated Luke Harper. After the match, Bray Wyatt attacked Ryback and delivered Sister Abigail.

* Cesaro & Tyson Kidd defeated The New Day via DQ. Woods interfered when Cesaro was hitting the big swing to cause the DQ and save the titles.

– There was a backstage promo between Cameron and Summer Rae in which they were talking about Brie and how Naomi had taken her out on Monday. Nikki walked in on the conversation, which set up Nikki vs. Cameron.

* Nikki Bella defeated Cameron.

– There was a dark segment backstage where Seth appeared on the screen and talked crap about the city, since its his home town, to try and get heat. It did not work at all and he was still cheered.

* Seth Rollins defeated Dean Ambrose in the main event. Rollins won fairly clean with his new finisher. Kane and J&J Security beat down Dean until Reigns made the save for Ambrose at the end of the show.


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