Spoilers: ROH TV Taping Results For The Next Three Weeks


Credit: Pwponderings.com

Estimated Attendance: 700+

ROH’s return to Philadelphia is January 24th

Dark match: Sumie Sakai def Veda Scott with a roll of the dice-type move

Three episodes to be taped tonight. Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino introduced as announce team, separately as usual.

Episode 1

* Rocky Romero def Tommaso Ciampa by DQ when Ciampa wouldn’t release his submission hold while Romero was in the ropes – there was a post match brawl

* Veda Scott gave Moose another chance to join her and RD Evans which ends up succeeding so there was no match and apparently a new team. “RD: “I’ll be your quarterback. Will you be my lineman.” Moose joined because of this, shaking RD’s and Veda’s hands. Ramon wasn’t happy.”

* ROH TV Title: Jay Lethal vs ACH went to time limit draw (30 mins) Lethal left and there was a standing ovation for ACH – Seleziya came out at one point and pushed ACH into the ringpost to which Todd Sinclair told her, “Get the f*** outta here”. Truth Martini was kicked out later on during the match for tripping ACH.

Episode 2

Prince Nana joins the commentary team

* WAR MACHINE (Raymond Rowe & Hanson, and not the recently fired MMA fighter) vs. The Briscoes ended in the match being thrown out because of excessive brawling on the outside. At one point Hanson was put through the timekeeper’s table via a doublestomp. Rowe slammed Mark through a table at ringside also.

The crowd started going flat for all these non-finishers but were vocal during the matches as they have all been good to great.

* RD Evans & Moose def Tadarius Thomas & Adam Page (w/ BJ Whitmer) when Moose spears Thomas after RD blind-tags in and RD gets the pin. BJ Whitmer berated his team afterwards

Nigel McGuinness out for commentary.

* ROH World Title: Michael Elgin def Cedric Alexander via submission with the stretch muffler/stomping on Cedric’s head which caused Cedric to pass out

Episode 3

* BJ Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs def Caprice Coleman & Watanabe with the All Seeing Eye on Watanabe – Decade tried to recruit Watanabe afterward but Coleman stopped him from joining and chased away The Decade.

* Matt Taven vs. Jay Diesel match was thrown out. Diesel handcuffed Taven to the ropes while the House of Truth came out. Truth and Seleziya beat up Taven first and then Lethal joined in. Lethal calls Taven a loser but doesn’t destroy him because he wants to do it in their cage match next week in Brooklyn. Taven calls Lethal “the biggest pussy” in ROH.

* Silas Young def Brian Kendrick with a rollup counter – during the match Silas suplexed Kendrick from the apron to the floor to a good reaction

* Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian def Young Bucks when Kazarian hit Nick Jackson with the Flux Capacitor


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