WWE Smackdown Results for 2/21/14


WWE Smackdown Results from Colorado Springs, CO to air on 2/21/14

* Daniel Bryan defeated Jack Swagger (with Colter & Cesaro). That should get Swagger some momentum for the IC Title match at the PPV.

– Vickie Guerrero & Kane immediately ordered Daniel Bryan to wrestle a second match. This time against Cesaro!

* Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro (with Colter & Swagger). Zeb & Swagger get ejected after interfering in the match. Kane comes down to “watch”. Cesaro hits 20 revolutions on the Cesaro Swing, but Bryan comes back with the running knee! Just as Bryan is about to win, Kane attacks and chokeslams Bryan, giving him the DQ win. After the match. Cesaro lands the Neutralizer on Bryan.

* The Wyatt Family defeated Goldust, Cody Rhodes, and Rey Mysterio. Bray pins Goldust with Sister Abigail after a great 6-man match.

* Emma (with Santino) defeated Summer Rae (with Fandango) in a Dance Off. After the fans vote Emma the winner, Fandango attacks Santino. Emma shoves Fandango backwards and he trips over Santino. Comedy junk and more kissing nonsense follows.

* Dolph Ziggler defeated Titus O’Neil. Wait, is that a typo? Nope! Dolph pins Titus! Don’t get excited, Titus just about had the match won when Darren Young (who was on commentary) interjected and caused a distraction, allowing Dolph to get a school boy pin.

* Jimmy Uso (with Jey) defeated The Road Dogg (with the Ass Man)

* Sheamus defeated Christian. Poor old Christian, can’t catch a single break. They worked a slow pace with Christian working over Sheamus’ left arm. Sheamus ended up winning with White Noise.


No post show dark match. Christian attacked Sheamus, who cleared the ring to end the taping.

The Wyatt Family attacked Shaemus, causing Daniel Bryan to come out. Kane then came, which brought out the Usos. The babyfaces cleared the ring except for Erick Rowan, who ate the Usos double superkick, a Brogue Kick, and Bryan’s running knee. The babyfaces celebrated, we all go home happy.


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