SPOILERS: List of POTENTIAL Surprise Entrants for Rumble


You may have previously read a news piece I did citing the top 10 wrestlers I felt were likely to take some of the surprise entry spots in the Royal Rumble tonight. If you missed that article you can check it out by clicking here.

Among the 10 names already mentioned were Christian, Sheamus, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Evan Borne, Dolph Ziggler, The New Age Outlaws, and Daniel Bryan.

Other names that have been discussed in the rumor mill since I wrote that article include…

Kevin Nash – Nash checked in to the same hotel as the WWE Superstar are staying last night in Pittburgh. Nash is reportedly in town to host a Rumble part, but with the recent dye job people speculate his return is possible.

2 Cold Scorpio – With the WWE Network preparing to launch in 4 weeks time, there’s been discussion of bringing in a former ECW superstar as part of the Rumble to help promote the brand for the Network. RVD would be the better choice here, but I’d imagine Scorpio would come at a much cheaper price. WWE would only likely bring RVD back if it was on a short term contract and not a one night thing.

Jimmy Wang Yang – Friend of Batista, has been at 2 recent WWE house shows and teased a Rumble spot earlier this week.

El Torito – Discussion of Torito came out after the Smackdown Tapings. During the Tapings there was a Matadores vs. Ryback/Axel match that ended with Torito humiliating Ryback with a plancha on the floor following the match. There’s rumors of Torito entering the Rumble to lead to a spot with Ryback.

Mark Henry – EVen though Henry recently worked a shoulder injury courtesy of Brock Lesnar, there’s been talk of having Henry enter the Rumble to add name value to the match. Worked injuries do have a way to heal in record time, so this IS a possibility.

Jim Duggan – It’s unclear whether he would pass a physical following his surgery, but he’s supposed to be doing a lot better. Duggan has filled the void many times as he lays claim to the fame of winning the very first Rumble back in 1988.

Hillbilly Jim – Believe it or not, there was actually discussion of bringing the Hillbilly in as part of the Network advertising for Legends House.

Remember, these are all POTENTIAL surprise entrants based on a variety of discussion and rumors going around. Let’s hope the term “Surprise” is in play this year and someone NOT on this list of some type of relevance shows up!


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