TNA Impact Results for 7/3/14


TNA taped the July 3rd episode of Impact Wrestling tonight in Bethlehem, PA. Below are spoilers, thanks to Rinda Smith:

* Kurt Angle opens the show and announces Eric Young’s rematch for tonight. Samoa Joe comes out and says he’s booking himself in a title match. Angle and Joe go back and forth. Angle teases giving Joe a title shot.

* The Wolves defeated Knux and Crazzy Steve.

* Bobby Roode defeated Kenny King after challenging him.

* Earl Hebner is reinstated by Kurt Angle.

* There’s a segment where Madison Rayne and Brittany get back to being friends. Brittany ends up turning on Madison but the crowd cheered for her instead of giving her the heel treatment.

* Ethan Carter III defeated Bully Ray in a Tables Match when Rhino returned and speared Bully for the win.

* Gunner comes out for a promo but is interrupted by Samuel Shaw. Shaw talks about how he’s changed but he’s interrupted by Mr. Anderson and Christy Hemme. Shaw apologizes for how he acted towards her in the past.

* Gail Kim defeated Angelina Love to become the new Knockouts Champion

* Bobby Lashley defeated Eric Young with a spear.


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