Shawn Michaels Talks Undertaker’s Response to Streak Ending, More


Thanks to reader Scott H. for sending in this report from Shawn Michaels’ Q&A in Manchester, England earlier this week. We will have more highlights from the Q&A tomorrow:

I had the extreme pleasure of attending “A night with Shawn Michaels” in Manchester earlier this week. This event, to me and most in attendance, was like having a piece of WrestleMania carved up and put on a stage right in front of you. Shawn was very honest, very open and answered every question that the 400+ fans in attendance asked.

Here are some notes from memory. My apologies if they are not as detailed as they should be, this was Shawn Michaels after all, and I was in the same room as him!

Shawn talked about being at WrestleMania 30 in the gorilla position. He said that he was as shocked as anyone that Undertaker lost, and that he texted ‘Taker afterwards to see if he was OK. ‘Taker responded that he is OK, and he will sue when he finds out the number of the bus that hit him!

Shawn seems to have a nice relationship with ‘Taker and mentioned some outdoor projects they might do in the future.

Shawn spoke nicely about Bret Hart, and their relationship seems to be in a better place than it has been for a long time. Shawn was asked to compare the Kliq Incident with the Montreal Screw job. He said that the screwjob had more of an impact on the business because everyone knew about it, including the casual fan.

He describes the mood of WrestleMania 14, the bad place he was in and the way he was acting all day. He said that even up to bell time, nobody really knew if he was going to do business, not even “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. He told a great story about Mike Tyson being in boxing mode backstage when practicing the punch for the end of the match.

When asked if The Undertaker was at the gorilla position during the WrestleMania 14 main event in case he didn’t do the job for Austin, Shawn answered no, and said that it was just internet folklore again that had created that story.

This was a man who I have worshiped from an early age. They say you should never meet your hero, but if Shawn Michaels is your hero, like me, then you are more than OK meeting this icon.

PSI Events have two shows with Chris Jericho in June in London. Please check out for more details. I cannot recommend this professional, flexible and amazing company enough!


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