Scott Hall Entering Detox Facility, Tweets About Incident Last Month


Scott Hall has had his share of ups and downs, both personally and professionally. One of those downs occurred last month when Hall was escorted out of an event in New Jersey after the promoters claimed that he was too drink to perform. He missed his scheduled meet & greet for hours later.

Today, Hall announced on Twitter that he’d be entering a detox facility stemming from the incident. Hall had appeared to be improving significantly over the past several years with the help of Diamond Dallas Page and Jake “The Snake” Roberts.

Hall said “Happy to report I’m checking in to a detox facility to address my recent difficulty. Thanks to all the supporters out there,” in his tweet to fans. Hall went through WWE-sponsored rehab several times, to the tune of over $100,000 according to Stephanie McMahon. Nothing was able to help Hall conquer his demons until moving in with the aforementioned DDP.

After the New Jersey incident Scott Hall was dropped from the Global Force Wrestling roster. Jeff Jarrett told Wrestling Inc that Hall is a lifetime friend, and there are plans in order to get him involved with GFW again.

You can see Hall’s tweet below.

Happy to report I’m checking in to a detox facility to address my recent difficulty. Thanks to all the supporters out there. #HallGood

— Scott Hall (@SCOTTHALLNWO) June 9, 2015


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