Samoa Joe, Superstar Pulled From EVOLVE 38 In Favor Of ROH, Lana Hijacks Actress, More


WWN’s Gabe Sapolsky announced on his Twitter that former WWE Superstar Trent Baretta has been pulled from the EVOLVE 38 event next Sunday:

We regret to inform you Trent Baretta is off this Sunday’s EVOLVE card in NY. More in Monday’s WWN Alerts including his replacement.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) March 2, 2015

Trent then took to his own Twitter to announce that he is heading to Ring of Honor with Rocky Romero as a tag team called the Roppongi Vice:

Myself and @azucarRoc are coming to ROH. Roppungi Vice. Gonna beat Redragon, win the tag titles then high five. See ya.
— TRENT? (@trentylocks) March 2, 2015

Roppongi Vice has arrived..Let’s do this @trentylocks #ROH13thAnniversary #RoppongiVice #njpw @njpw1972 @ringofhonor
— Rocky Romero (@azucarRoc) March 2, 2015


– Ring of Honor announced at the end of tonight’s 13th Anniversary pay-per-view that they will return to PPV on Friday, June 19th. “Best In The World” will take place from New York City that Friday night.

– As noted, UFC fighter Shayna Baszler worked tonight’s ROH pay-per-view in Las Vegas. Below is a photo of the Four Horsewoman with ROH Tag Team Champions reDRagon:

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UFC’s 4 HorseWoman Shayna Baszler is at ringside w/ ROH World Tag Team Champions reDRagon tonight at #ROH13th
— ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) March 2, 2015


– Top indie and former TNA stars Frankie Kazarian, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels reunited backstage at tonight’s ROH pay-per-view. Kaz tweeted the following:

#RoH13 starts now. Not only a celebration, but a reunion. #Triad
— Frankie Kazarian (@FrankieKazarian) March 2, 2015

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The “#AskLana” hashtag was trending on Twitter last night due to actress Lana Parrilla of “Once Upon a Time” doing a Q&A with her fans. WWE Diva Lana and her fans hijacked the hashtag and used it to do her own Q&A. Below are a few highlights and a video from The Ravishing Russian:

“@themasething: I see #AskLana trending and I instantly thought @LanaWWE because she’s the only Lana that matters here” obviously
— LANA (@LanaWWE) March 2, 2015

“@justinruff: #AskLana When do we get to see @LanaWWE vs. @CarmellaWWE in an #NXT ring?” Never. I am perfect at life, I don’t need to fight
— LANA (@LanaWWE) March 2, 2015

“@Roonofhonor:Who’s next for rusev? #AskLana @LanaWWE”taking the @WWE World HeavyWeight championship from @HeymanHustle client @BrockLesnar
— LANA (@LanaWWE) March 2, 2015

“@ronan_cena: @LanaWWE @WWE if u &Rusev got to face any wrestler from the past or present who would you consider facing #AskLana” @HulkHogan
— LANA (@LanaWWE) March 2, 2015

.@LanaWWE is flattered by the 4th worldwide trend #AskLana
— WWE (@WWE) March 2, 2015


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