Ring Of Honor TV Results 12/7/14 – ‘Go-Home’ Show To Final Battle


This is the last ROH TV airing before Final Battle. Mandy Leon and Larry Mercer are backstage to preview the event. You can see the full episode above, and check out our own preview at this link. We’ll be providing live coverage of Final Battle at 8 pm eastern.

– A video featuring the development and evolution of Decade is shown, along with Roderick Strong leaving the group, and Tadarius Thomas rejecting the faction. The hosts cut to recap of Strong, BJ Whitmer and Adam Page taking on Thomas, Will Ferrara and Caprice Coleman, which Decade lost. This led to Strong turning on Decade, setting up tonight’s match between Adam Page & Roderick Strong.

– The hosts talk about the unpredictable nature of Michael Elgin since losing the ROH World Title. Tommaso Ciampa’s promo on Elgin is also shown. We take a look at a match between the two from when Elgin was champion, which Michael Elgin won via referee stoppage. The two will square off tonight on the pay-per-view.

– Recent WWE release Matt Sydal (formerly known as Evan Bourne) will take on Jay Lethal for his ROH TV title tonight. We’re shown the video of Lethal costing Sydal a match against Adam Cole, and the attack afterward. A highlight video about Sydal is also shown, saying that he was invited by Truth Martini and Jay Lethal to join him.

– In a pretty cool move, RoH shows New Japan Pro Wrestling footage featuring TimeSplitters vs. ROH Tag Champions reDRagon, who will face each other for the titles tonight. reDRagon won the match that was shown, but by all means this match should be spectacular again.

– They show Moose turning on RD Evans, which has set up a match between the two for tonight.

– Briscoes in a Super Beta Prostate commercial. That’s just fantastic. The number is 1-800-649-2230, if you like, want some Super Beta Prostate or something.

– Jay Briscoe’s rise to the top of Ring of Honor is chronicled, setting up the match with Adam Cole for Briscoe’s Ring of Honor World Championship. Cole’s match with Hansen in which he won to become #1-contender is aired. An Adam Cole promo closes the show.


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