Ring Of Honor On Destination America TV Results 6/3/15


Credit: Sean Ross Sapp

Tonight’s show will be the company’s debut on Destination America and will feature matches from the joint shows with New Japan Pro Wrestling last month.

– We start out with a promo from the Briscoes trash talking the House of Truth. Tonight’s main event will be the Briscoe Brothers vs. The House of Truth.

KUSHIDA vs. Will Ferrara

KUSHIDA gets streamers during his entrance. The two avoid each other’s moves before KUSHIDA hits a dropkick and takes control, landing a few more. KUSHIDA gets knees on a standing moonsault attempt, and Ferrara grabs a chinlock. This doesn’t last long, as KUSHIDA battles back with big strikes before getting a big clothesline. Ferrara then hits a crash an burn tornado DDT to the outside.

KUSHIDA starts working the arm before the two trade punches. KUSHIDA winds up with a baseball-type delivery and clocks Ferrara before getting a two off of a moonsault. Ferrara gets a couple of two counts off of quick pin attempts, but KUSHIDA applies the Hoverboard Lock (double wristlock) and gets the submission.

Winner: KUSHIDA via submission (Hoverboard Lock)

– Christopher Daniels and Kazarian come out to the announce booth. Addiction say that next week and only next week, ReDRagon will get a tag team title shot.

Silas Young vs. Watanabe

Silas Young and Watanabe trade strikes early until Watanabe hits a belly-to-back suplex. Watanabe puts Young on the top rope, but gets knocked to the mat and Young clotheslines him. Young taunts before pinning him, but it’s only good for two. Watanabe comes back with a neckbreaker, and the crowd is really in to him.

The two battle outside the ring as Young fights off a German suplex briefly before getting turned inside out with one on the floor. Back in the ring the two trade backslides until Young punts him in the head and hits a TKO for the victory.

Winner: Silas Young via pinfall (TKO)

– We get a look back at the issues between BJ Whitmer and Moose.

BJ Whitmer (w/ Adam Page & Colby Corino) vs. Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott)

Well, Moose is over to a polarizing level as half the crowd is changing “Moose,” while the other half chants “sucks.” Either way, he gets the streamer treatment. It’s a shock the WWE didn’t offer him a full-on deal (that we know of. Whitmer gets on the mic and says he could easily beat Moose and end his winning streak, but he isn’t going to do that. He sees this as an opportunity to step out of his shadows for a member of Decade….then points at Colby Corino. He says Colby can prove he’s more of a man than his father. Steve is begging from ringside for this not to happen.

Moose (w/ Stokely Hathaway & Veda Scott) vs. Colby Corino (w/ BJ Whitmer & Adam Page)

Colby slaps Moose, then throws strikes, but Moose laughs it off and tosses Colby out of the ring. Colby is sent head first into the guard rail before Moose picks him up and swings him. Steve Corino doesn’t seem too worried on commentary that his 18 year old son could die here.

Moose hits a couple of apron powerbombs on Colby, before landing another on the floor. Colby looks like he’s crying on the floor, and Steve still doesn’t take his announcer voice off to show concern. Colby is rolled into the ring and pinned.

Winner: Moose via pinfall

– We see clips of ACH and Adam Page’s feud.

– Jay Lethal pulls the ol’ dip and has J. Diesel replace him in the match tonight.

Briscoes vs. House of Truth (w/ Truth Martini)

Diesel starts peppering both Briscoe brother with punches, as the brothers really put over his boxing ability. That ends up not lasting long, as the Briscoes isolate and attack Diesel. A Russian leg sweep from Mark gets two before Diesel tags out to Dijak.

Dijak comes in and hits a suplex that sends Briscoe all the way across the ring. The Briscoes are putting these guys over huge just by selling and facial reactions. The House Of Truth works over Jay in their corner while tagging in and out. Mark Briscoe gets the hot tag and runs wild, taking out both members of the House. He goes up top, but Martini distracts the ref, allowing the House of Truth to capitalize as we go to our last break.

We come back to see Diesel hitting a powerslam and fallaway slam on Mark before tagging in Dijak. Mark reverses several moves and gets to the corner to tag Jay, who dominated the heels. Jay Lethal tries to distract Briscoe, but it doesn’t work, as the Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device for the win.

Winners: Briscoes via pinfall (Doomsday Device)

As they’re celebrating, Dijak hits Feast Your Eyes on Mark, which Jay Briscoe follows by diving on to him. Lethal enters the fray and eats a Jay Driller to close the show.


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