Ric Flair Talks WCW’s Demise, If It Was Vince Russo’s Fault


Former WCW champion Ric Flair appeared on WrestleTalk TV recently to discuss WCW’s demise, and absolved constant target Vince Russo of much of the blame.

“When he came on board, he was just trying to survive like everybody else,” said the Hall of Famer Flair. “I didn’t like some of the things I did with Russo, but he’s got a family, and at the end of the day, everybody’s just trying to survive. By the time he got there it was already gone. There were a thousand Indians and no chiefs, and if there were chiefs, they didn’t get along. Everybody was in it for their own thing, and their own money, which they’re entitled to do.”

Flair also said that he doesn’t look back on WCW with fond memories after 1999, and said that Ted Turner passing the company off hurt WCW long-term.

“Towards the end of the 90’s, I looked at it as being said. I just felt like if Ted Turner really knew what was going on, he’d put his foot down. Ted was struggling because AOL came in, then AOL went bankrupt. When he was a little more hands on, the product was great. That’s why Vince has done so well,” said Flair.


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