Randy Orton Berates Fans At Airport, Possible Change To Extreme Rules Match?


– There was an incident between the WWE crew and fans waiting at the airport in Albany, New York last night, according to PWInsider. When the crew arrived at the airport for RAW, a large group of fans was reportedly waiting to get photos and autographs. Randy Orton apparently “berated” the fans for bothering the talents after a long flight and long European tour.

– WWE may be announcing Paige’s replacement for her WWE Divas Title match with Nikki Bella at Extreme Rules on RAW tonight, expected to be Naomi. They updated their match preview a few days ago with the following paragraph:

“If Paige is cleared to go, she will have the opportunity to settle her longstanding beef with Divas Champion Nikki, who, along with sister Brie, has ridiculed Paige for months. Additionally, Paige will have the chance to make history, as a title win against at Extreme Rules would make her a three-time Divas Champion — only the third in WWE history.”


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