Random Wrestling News; WWE Network Info, Sting Update, Batista Injured?, More


– Batista got heavily booed during his match with Alberto Del Rio, with loud chants of “Bootista.” Fans also chanted “Si! Si! Si!” when Del Rio attacked Batista with his crutch before the match. WWE blasted Batista’s music when he made his entrance, which barely drowned out the boos.

– Speaking of Batista, there are various reports that he might have suffered an injury to his left arm during his match against Alberto Del Rio. He’s not expected to miss any ring time.


– The Network is in fact available on Apple TV on launch day. You might have to restart your Apple TV or do a System update in order for it to show up. You have two options to view the WWE Network on Apple TV – you can sign in with your WWE Network account or sign up thru the iTunes store, which requires you to pay the full $60 up front (instead of being billed monthly). The WWE Network looks gorgeous on Apple TV, similar to Netflix, HBO Go and Hulu Plus.


– WrestleZone.com reports that reader Ritchie Cates reached out to TNA asking if Sting would be at this year’s TNA Lockdown pay-per-view.

They responded: “Hi Ritch: Sting is not scheduled to appear at Lockdown 2014 PPV or Fan InterAction, unfortunately Sting is no longer with the company so therefore we have no booked appearances for him at any events in the future, Sorry about that.
TNA Wrestling”


– The WWE Over The Edge 1999 pay-per-view opens up with a graphic of Owen Hart and a message that says, “In memory of Owen Hart (1965-1999) who accidentally passed away during this broadcast.”


– A couple of readers pointed out that any nudity that has appeared on past pay-per-views is blurred out on the Network, including Miss Kitty flashing her breasts after she won the Women’s title at Armageddon in 1999, and Jacqueline’s top being ripped off by Sable during their match at Capital Carnage in 1998.


– As of last word, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are all scheduled for tonight’s edition of Monday Night RAW.
At this time, CM Punk is not scheduled to appear.
Hulk Hogan will also be appearing. Jimmy Hart is also rumored but not confirmed.
WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair was also telling people over the weekend that he’d be appearing on RAW tonight.


– Hulk Hogan has been officially added to the WrestleMania 30 AXXESS event. Hogan will be doing a VIP autograph signing on Saturday April 5th beginning at 8AM EST.


– While WWE’s footage featuring the late Chris Benoit is featured in its original form on the WWE Network, an advisory is shown prior to some content showcasing the late wrestler, as well as non-PG content.
It reads, “The following program is presented in its original form. It may contain some content that does not reflect WWE’s corporate views and may not be suitable for all viewers. WWE characters are fictitious and do not reflect the personal lives of the actors portraying them. Viewer discretion is advised.”

“You can block access to this program and others like it using the Parental Control feature in your WWE Network account settings.”

According to some users, an advisory warning was not issued prior to WrestleMania 20 and the 2004 Backlash, which featured Benoit in main event title matches. Furthermore, the Backlash poster shown on the menu screen features an image of Cactus Jack and Randy Orton fighting rather than the original Benoit-themed artwork.

The WWE Network offers a search function that allows users to instantly find shows featuring content with a specific talent, however, a search for Benoit shows no results.


– The WWE Network is billing for the Network on a per month basis, and not $60 at a time as previously expected. Using PayPal as the checkout option will show the payment goes to MLB Advanced Media.


– Regarding the WWE Network free trial, word is that it will only run for one week from today. If you sign up for the trial this coming Friday, it doesn’t run until next Friday, it only runs until next Monday.


– WWE Hall of Famer Blackjack Lanza was in attendance for last night’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view in Minneapolis. It may explain why JBL continued to namedrop him during the PPV broadcast.


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