Paul Heyman Takes Shots At Tommy Dreamer, Twitter War?


There was an interesting exchange with Paul Heyman, Joey Styles and Tommy Dreamer after WWE Network aired the ECW Exposed special this week. Below are their tweets:

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Tommy Dreamer: Look what happens when u drink the kool aid @JoeyStyles 18 years & do I get paid for my banners or is it ECW STYLE

Paul Heyman: Anyone who got to keep those banners, merch etc to offset debt shouldn’t be joking about #ECW style pay #Expose your own sins, not just mine

Joey Styles: A bit stiff @HeymanHustle. I’m pretty sure @THETOMMYDREAMER was joking about @WWENetwork #ECWExposed using an Original ECW budget. #loyalty

Paul Heyman: . @JoeyStyles @THETOMMYDREAMER @WWENetwork Not stiff. Just honest. Easy to jump on the “I got screwed” bandwagon. Harder to reveal the truth

Paul Heyman: . @JoeyStyles @THETOMMYDREAMER @WWENetwork Did I duck one question? Sugar coat a single answer? Didn’t I accept accountability for my sins?

Paul Heyman: . @JoeyStyles @THETOMMYDREAMER @WWENetwork I’ll take any deserved shot, even 13 years later. If you want ME to come clean, come clean w/ me!


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