Mick Foley Comments On Daniel Bryan/Triple H Angle from Raw


Once again, WWE Hardcore Legend Mick Foley gave his take on what happened between Triple H and Daniel Bryan from this past Monday’s Raw on his Facebook page:


Following the brutal beat down of Daniel Bryan by Triple H on Monday’s ?#?RAW?, I received many questions on social media, asking if I thought WWE had gone too far, with many pointing out the beating’s resemblance to the one I took at the hands of The Rock in the 1999 Royal Rumble. No, I don’t think they went too far. I think they went just far enough.

A few weeks ago, when Daniel Bryan challenged Triple H, and tried to engage the crowd in a “Yes” chant, it seemed half-hearted at best, to the point where I said out loud, in the Foley living room, “he’s trying to sell a match that no one wants to see.” Well, following Monday night, that match has gone from being simply the obstacle Daniel Bryan had to hurdle to get to the main event into a match I now I feel like I need to see.

Yes, it was brutal, yes it was tough to watch at certain points – but it served notice to all of those who had forgotten, that Triple H was one of the best bad guys of his generation – and Stephanie, with her recent work on the microphone, has become an absolutely compelling authority figure – as effective as I’ve ever seen her; seemingly channeling her inner Vince. I’ve known Stephanie a long time, and somewhere in the McMahon/Helmsley home, she still has the pot-holder my daughter made for her many, many years, ago. No matter what happens in business, she is someone I will always consider a friend. But man, do I want to see her get what she has coming to her? Maybe a WWE Diva who might happen to have a close connection to Daniel Bryan to smack the taste out of her mouth. Any candidates?

Imagine me as Goldilocks, surveying the lay of the WWE land, looking at angles from the past – far past, and recent past, trying to figure out which one is the perfect fit when it comes to selling a match – really, truly turning a match into something that the WWE Universe feels they need to see. That Rumble I did with Dwayne The Rock Johnson with the 11 unprotected chair shots? Too much. Most of what we see in the PG era? No matter how good the wrestling (and much of it is really, really good) – it’s just a little too soft. But what I saw on Monday night? As brutal as it may have been, as tough as it may have been to watch, I thought it was just right.”


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