Mick Foley & Chad Hardwick Comment on Recent Punk Issues


Mick Foley recently appeared on Live Audio Wrestling, here are the highlights…

On CM Punk’s WWE departure: “The last time I touched base with him was after the Rumble and I don’t want to discuss what he said exactly. I’ll just say I wasn’t shocked when he decided to leave because he and I – there is a deep, mutual respect there and we like each other. I would say to him after I watched him at a house show and I would say “geez, you don’t have to work that hard every night” and he would say “if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here” and I respect the work ethic and I understand if you’re hurt and you’re not enjoying yourself that it’s not the place to be.”

I would hate to see CM Punk turn into what I did where my philosophy became “good enough is going to have to be good enough” and it wasn’t that philosophy that helped me succeed, to get me into the WWE Hall of Fame and I kind of regret going through a few years where things had to be that way. I don’t think Punk wants anyone to see him at anything less than his best and I know he’d been frustrated for a while. He’s a pretty outspoken guy and in the end he’ll make the decision that’s best for him. What I said and I’ll repeat for you guys, if he can reconsider one thing it’s not to let whether or not he’s officially the main event dictate how good his match is. If he had a big match coming up at WrestleMania I would encourage him to at least think about taking advantage of that. In 2006, in no way, shape or form were Edge and I the main event of WrestleMania but we had a great match…I didn’t walk away from that WrestleMania thinking it was any less special because we weren’t the feature so that’s the only piece of advice I’d give him, not to let those words “main event” dictate how important the match is but if your heart’s not in it, it’s not in it.”


Chris Hardwick recently spoke on CM Punk no longer appearing on @Midnight. Here are the highlights…

On CM Punk No Longer Appearing On The Show: “As of right now, he’s pulled out of the show for that date. Punk’s a really great dude and I know the decision wasn’t made lightly. He’s my friend so I support whatever he feels like he needs to do. Worry not! I’m sure we’ll get him rebooked soon.”

On Having More Wrestlers On The Show: “We’ll do our best,” he wrote. “I think that would be a great show. I can say that Chris Jericho is coming up soon!”


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