Lucha Underground Results 1/7/15


– Dario Cueto is in the ring with the Lucha Underground Championship, putting over the Aztec Warfare match tonight. Anything goes, and the match is elimination style rules with pins and submissions.

Lucha Underground Championship
Aztec Warfare Match

Fenix (#1) and Johnny Mundo (#2) start out in a draw which was supposed to be random, but obviously Cueto had something to do with it. Mundo with a leg sweep, but Fenix counters with a frop kick. Mundo gets back up to his feet and lands a calf kick, but eats a calf kick and goes between the ropes.

(#3) Cisco comes out and attacks both competitors. He’s quickly pinned after a Starship pain by Mundo, and the first two participants are still in as we head to break. King Cuerno (#4) enters right after the break, but all three go at each other. Cuerno hits a monkey flip on Fenix and a sunset dive on Mundo. Fenix hits a big dive on Cuerno as Son of Havoc (#5) comes out.

Havoc stomps Mundo and gloats, but runs right into a beating. He doe a really impressive rebound back elbow and a dive onto the entire field. Pimpinela Escarlata (#6) is out and lands several arm drags before kissing Fenix.

Prince Puma (#7) comes out and goes right at Mundo while everyone else just kind of disappears, including Pimpinela, who just cleared the ring. Big lionsault from Puma gets two, but he gets booted in the face by Mundo. Fenix in with a springboard legdrop on Mudno, and Ivelisse (#8) makes her way out. She hits a big huracanrana and tornado DDT, but is interrupted by Pimpinela trying to kiss everyone. Son of Havoc eliminates Escarlata mercifully with a shooting star press.

Drago (#9) hits the ring and takes out Fenix with a backdrop DDT, and Mundo with a tornado DDT but can’t pin either. He hits the reverse rana on Prince Puma, and is saved by Ivelisse when Cuerno picks him up. Cuerno lands his finish on Ivelisse for the pin. Bael (#10) comes out as Drago does a dive, and Puma eliminates Son of Havoc.

Cortez Castro (#11) comes out and three members of “The Crew” are now in the match and jump Fenix, Mundo and Puma. Ricky Mandel (#12) comes out and starts attacking the heels. Puma eliminates Bael with a standing star press, and Mundo sends Cortez packing with a knee to the face. Their timing is good as Big Ryck (#13) is making his way to the ring.

Ryck immediately eliminates Ricky Mandel with his finish and helps Cuerno dispose of Drago. Right after, Mundo lands a crucifix pin on Cuerno. Pentagon Jr (#14) enters the fray as the field has really thinned out. Puma and Mundo superkick Ryck, but Pentagon gives them each one as well. Penatgon is absolutely on fire with a powerbomb backbreaker on Puma, and counters Fenix’s somersault rana with a powerbomb.

Super Fly (#15) and Chavo Guerrero (#16) are the next entrants, and Chavo brings a chair to the ring and hits Super Fly over the skull for the pin. He does the same to Pentagon for a pin. Mascarita Sagrada (#17) is out just before the break.

Back from the commercial, and the crowd is going nuts for Sagrada but he gets a beatdown from Chavo. Fenix goes to war with Sagrada, and Fenix has been in since the beginning. Fenix hits Sagrada with a mean, and I mean like….a rude dropkick.

Sexy Star (#18) is out and goes after Chavo. Oh no, Sagrada is in the ring with Ryck. This isn’t going to be pretty. Ryck kills him with a clothesline. See ya later Sagrada.

El Mariachi Loco (#19) is in and flips around a few times before landing an awesome springboard armdrag on Mundo and a superkick on Puma. Ryck clotheslines Loco to the mat as Mil Muertes (#20) rounds out the field.

Muertes eliminates Loco and faces off with Ryck. The two can’t take each other off their feet, and the rest of the field jumps on them. Mundo, Chavo Puma, Ryck, Muertes, Fenix and Star remain.

Chavo tries to steal the pin after everyone hits big moves on Ryck. The ref screws up and stops counting the pin as Fenix comes off the top with a 450, but they pin Ryck anyway. Chavo then pins Fenix, who had been in for about 35 minutes. Also, Vampiro told Sexy Star not to be a “biatch” at some point.

Blue Demon makes a surprise appearance and distracts Chavo so Star can hit him with a chair for the pin. Star, Puma, Mundo and Muertes are left. Everyone goes after Muertes until Star uses a running headscissors on Mundo. This proves to be a dumb decision as Muertes drops and pins her.

We’re down to three, and Muertes and Mundo hit a double team move on Puma that sends him reeling. Muertes is up top, but Mundo and Puma come after him and land a double superplex. Instead of working to eliminate Muertes, Puma and Mundo are still after each other. Katrina gets on the apron and Mundo accidentally kicks her. This infuriates Muertes and Mundo begs off.

Muertes is dropped and pinned with two springboard 450s from Mundo and Puma! We’re down to Puma and Mundo. Johnny Mundo has been in the ring since the beginning. The two are really going at it and end up on the top rope. Puma hits the Spanish Fly but only gets two! Mundo with a reverse Frankensteiner from the top and Starship Pain but Puma kicks out!!! 630 from Prince Puma!! He wins!

Winner: Prince Puma via pinfall (630 Senton) to become Lucha Underground Champion

Konnan and Johnny Mundo congratulate Puma on his victory to close the show.


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