John Cena’s Very Good Deed


Partial Credit to WrestlingInc

– We noted earlier this month that a Northern Kentucky woman named Brittany Depew who is battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia for a third time tweeted out a photo in hopes of having her final wish granted, which was to meet John Cena. Cena not only sang her happy birthday in a video message, but he also stopped by her home yesterday and brought her several gifts. She posted photos of the visit on her Facebook page. After the visit, Cena posted the following tweet:

There are moments in life that just make u smile so big, that nothing can wipe away the happy grin. A smile that touches the heart.

ABC 7 in Denver has an article about the meeting here. In addition to the photos on Depew’s Facebook page, here are a couple of photos sent to us (thanks to Aaron):


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