Jim Ross Talks Seth Rollins Heel Turn, The Future of Roman Reigns, More


In Jim Ross’ latest report on JRsBBQ site, he covers several topics, including the turn of Seth Rollins, who will be champion by WrestleMania 31, and more. The following is from JR’s latest blog…

This is my 3rd blog in 3 days as I prepare to head to Vegas for the Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion. It’s been a busy 8-10 day run for yours truly but still fun without question. Let’s grill….

Recorded a really entertaining and informative interview with Lance Storm Monday afternoon that will air on the Ross Report in a few weeks. Lance is a highly intelligent individual who owns and operates a very successful wrestling training facility in Calgary that has three, 8 week classes annually. To find out more visit StormWrestling.com. Lance has trained wrestlers from 13 countries. Highly recommend that you check out his website.

My podcast with Eric Bischoff drops today (Wednesday) at 6 pm pacific time at podcastone.com. Easy E and I cover a wide variety of topics that I’m sure that you will enjoy. Downloading is free and I encourage you to subscribe so that you don’t miss an episode.


RAW was an o.k. show with a hot ending. Therefore the thing that most people will take away from the broadcast was Seth Rollins turning his back on Ambrose and Reigns and apparently aligning himself with HHH and Randy Orton.

Or did he?

I always thought that Dean Ambrose was the natural heel of the Shield but I’ve got no issues with Seth Rollins doing the dirty deed even though in a perfect world I would have preferred that the Shield stay together a little longer. Apparently, WWE felt compelled to re-shuffle the deck which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’d assume that several dominoes will fall as time moves forward and the company prepares for a major push to Summer Slam. In other words, I’d assume that multiple cards are up in the air and won’t land on the table until August.

Rollins can talk and is extremely athletic and those two traits are generally considered essential to be a successful pro wrestling villain. Rollins is a bumping machine ala HBK in his healthy, heel days.

Still thinking @WWERomanReigns is WWE Champ coming out of WM31.

Surprised that Wade Barrett lost as apparently some feel that for a champion to lose in a tag match it isn’t an issue. It’s not when the champion is established but in this case….hmm. Just when I thought the IC title was being re-built.

Sunday night Sheamus was booed in Chicago and Cesaro was cheered. I’m just saying….

The Bo Dallas TV persona is unique but I need for the broadcasters to better explain him to me or at worst to pose more provocative, thought provoking questions for me to “get it.” Like the Adam Rose character, Bo Dallas persona is going to be a work in progress for a while.

Nice exchange between John Cena and Stephanie McMahon. Enjoyed the verbal interplay.

A Charlie Sheen reference on RAW. Really? Nonetheless I’m still enjoying Alicia Fox.

Enjoyed the Usos vs. Harper & Rowan tag bout. I would have thought both teams would have been selling more after their train wrecks at Payback. Tough guys.

Like most I was surprised that Dolph Ziggler lost again on RAW and failed to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match but somehow, someway I’m not ruling Ziggler out of that bout. Perhaps it’s just my wishful thinking but wouldn’t it be wild if Ziggler left MITB as the new WWE Champion?

It’s always good to see the world’s most lovely ‘Russian’ Lana but the Federation Ceremony might just have gone just a bit long. Funny how what goes around comes around and in this case in the form of a Russian flag. What old is new again or so it seems.

JR’s products scored a big hit when we got our products in the 8, OKC area Crest Food stores.

Buy JR’s online at wweshop.com, americansoda.co.uk and beyondtheropes.co.uk and grill your little heart’s out.

Get yourself a new, Slobber Knocker tee from prowrestlingtees.com/jimross. All sizes and worldwide shipping. That means the shirts are shipping any where in the world.

Q&A’s here on the site are updated.

Be well….

boomer Sooner!



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