Jim Ross Blogs About ESPN Special, Roman Reigns, UFC Creating Stars Better Than WWE


Source: JR’s BBQ

Jim Ross posted his most recent blog where he spoke out about the Roman Reigns and ESPN specials, as well as the UFC’s ability to create stars. Here are the highlights:

The ESPN Behind The Curtain documentary:

“Enjoyed the E60 piece on ESPN Tuesday night and Ben Howser did a great job producing this one hour story that he worked on for parts of two years. It was an intriguing look behind the scenes and proved that wrestlers are better “cast” or “booked” when they are as close to the real person as possible. The Adam Rose character is a great example of that opinion. The real life person is much more compelling than the fictional, TV persona that the South African portrays. Casting or “booking” is a delicate matter but any “booker,” if that role even exists in today’s world of TV wrestling, has a better chance of finding the next, viable or big thing if the TV personas are closely related to the individual portraying the TV character. Nonetheless, the story told on ESPN was excellently done and all involved should feel good about i as I believe it helped WWE and certainly added more credibility to the value of the Performance Center which is truly the heartbeat of the WWE and the key driver to the future of the company. Fans pay to see stars and developing stars as stars make every championship viable, or not, and are the key components to any storyline written.”

Roman Reigns special on the WWE Network:

“For example, WWE did a fantastic job on the recent, Roman Reigns feature on the WWE Network. This show was excellent and did as much for Reigns as any thing WWE has done for him to date IMO. One has to wonder how much it would have helped Reigns if something like this show aired prior to WM31 and, specifically, on a three hour RAW before if aired on the Network. With the popularity of these close up look shows at various fighters and MMA stars, I would consider putting a shortened version, 10-15 minutes, of these types of shows within the three hour RAW’s as it would greatly enhance getting talents over and creating the emotional investment the fans must have for a talent to become a star and do it in front of WWE’s biggest audience plus serve as a great promo to encourage fans to see more of it on WWE Network.”

UFC creating stars better than WWE:

“One reason boxing isn’t where boxing fans want it to be is because they have done a poor job of developing stars and stars drive any sport. UFC has learned how to do features on their fighters and consequently UFC is being more successful in creating new stars such as Conor McGregor, among others.”


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