Jake Roberts Named Next Inductee into 2014 WWE Hall of Fame


As seen on tonight’s episode of WWE Raw, Jake “The Snake” Roberts becomes the second member announced for the WWE Hall of Fame, Class of 2014. Jake was preceded by the Ultimate Warrior, and given their recent spat on Twitter, it should make for an interesting backstage conversation.

Congratulations are in order for someone who truly deserves the honor of being called a Hall of Famer. Congrats to Jake “the Snake” Roberts. If his speech isn’t too preachy and is anything like his promos, it should be a good one. Trust me on that. Trust… Me…

Here are some tweets from Jake’s peers, explaining their happiness for Roberts induction.


Mick Foley: “He did it! Good for you @JakeSnakeDDT – well deserved, and long overdue. Can’t wait to hear that speech at #WWEHOF. #RAW

Steve Austin: “Congrats to @JakeSnakeDDT. #WWE HOF. It’s about damn time. One of my all time favorites,”

DDP: Jake Roberts is LIVING proof that its Never over as long as u I’m VERY PROUD of my Friend! @JakeSnakeDDT http://ow.ly/i/4pMrW 


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