Former UFC Fighter Slams Dana White, Challenges White And CM Punk To A Fight


Veteran independent wrestler Diafullah Dobashi welcomed former UFC fighter Matthew Riddle to the most recent episode of his podcast, “Dobashi’s Radio Takedown” (Episode 29). Riddle was fired from UFC in 2013 for marijuana use. He is now training for a career in professional wrestling.

Dobashi and Riddle discussed the controversy over Jon Jones’s recent positive test for cocaine and Dobashi played two separate audio clips featuring audio from Dana White. In the first clip, White discusses his personal concern for Jones over his cocaine use and says he did not stop Jones’s recent UFC fight because cocaine is not considered to be a “performance enhancing drug.” Then Dobashi played an older clip of White talking about Matthews’ marijuana use in which the UFC owner described Matthews as a “dummy” and being “weak minded and addicted to marijuana.” Riddle said that White didn’t like him because he spoke his mind while he was in UFC.

“Dana White’s a b-tch. He knows he’s a b-tch. He was born a b-tch. That’s why his mom named him Dana,” Riddle said. “It really don’t matter. I know he ain’t going to hire me back—I don’t want that job. I’m going to run sh-t in the WWE. If they don’t hire me, I’m going to run sh-t in TNA. If they don’t hire me, I’m going to run sh-t in New Japan. If they don’t hire me, I’ll f—king find somewhere else and I’ll still make a living.”

Riddle talked about growing up watching the Attitude Era and training at The Monster Factory. He said he’s had training sessions with MVP and Jay Lethal thus far.

A fan-submitted e-mail asked Riddle for his opinions on CM Punk’s move to UFC and Riddle respondent with his well-established candor.

“Dude, not only would I fight CM Punk; I’d break his f—king jaw in the first round,” Riddle exclaimed. “No disrespect to CM Punk. I know he’s training hard and he means well but that’s just what it is and he ain’t a beast like I am. He’s a wannabe. But… I would like to fight CM Punk and Dana White at the same time in a handicapped match in the octagon and you make that UFC 189, baby… Not only is that a challenge, it’s a threat.”

Riddle said he’d smoke both guys “like a pack of Kools.”

You can listen to the entire episode of Dobashi’s Radio Takedown on iTunes.


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