Dolph Ziggler Pins Randy Orton Again, Reason Why Orton Is Jobbing


Source: F4WOnline

We noted before that Dolph Ziggler defeated Randy Orton in the main event of Saturday night’s WWE live event in Abbotsford. Ziggler also picked up a win over Orton at last night’s live event in Yakima, Washington.

There was a lot of speculation that Orton losing to Ziggler may have been because of his recent social media incident but that’s not the case.

Ziggler won because Orton vs. Roman Reigns had been advertised locally but Reigns was on tour in Australia. WWE’s rule of thumb is to put the babyface over in the main event anyway but when it’s a substitute for the main attraction babyface on that show, the rule is even stronger. Orton losing was not because he has heat or was being punished.


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