Diamond Dallas Page Currently Hospitalized With Serious Throat Issue


Diamond Dallas Page announced on Facebook this morning that he’s in the Intensive Care Unit of an Atlanta hospital because of issues with his throat as he’s been diagnosed with Subglottic Stenosis. Page may need surgery. He explains what happened in this lengthy Facebook post:

GOOD MORNING TEAM DDPY… This is a long one… A really Long one…

As I’m sitting in the ICU of the Piedmont Hospital because my throat finally just closed down today and said I’m not going to let you breathe for awhile so you can see just how serious your condition is… All I can think is … THANK GOD I was being examined by one of the top Ears Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist in south east

Dr. Daniel G. Carothers http://www.entgeorgia.com/physicians/daniel-carothers.php

who just happens to work on all the opera singers and such (Thank YOU Sheri Adair from “Best Self” for hooking me up) anyway the Doc’s got this 18 inch tube that’s got a CAMERA on the end up my nose and down my throat (brutal) and he says WOW (that always makes you feel comfortable) Hears something you don’t see (he pauses and then he says with wonderment)…Hears something you don’t see… Ever… (that’s not what I wanna hear… that will get your mind going) he’s says… This is really bad… REALLY BAD… there is virtually no space between your vocal cords… they’re almost stuck together (that’s not how he said but it was something like that) he said… You’ve got this (only read on if you have a strong stomach) Oh MY… you’ve got this mucus trapped underneath your vocal cords and it’s all crusting up like a seal… it’s all lodged up there … the lit camera that’s about a foot down my nose by this point is really starting to bother me and I’m having trouble breathing…

So I say… Doc I can barley breathe bro… this is not good… so he gently pulled the camera out of my nose and then… I can’t breathe at all… so as I’m trying to breathe and I realize Holy shit!

I really can’t breathe (now this has happened to me before but Never like this) I see the look on the Docs face and he trying Not to Sell IT but I can see some major concern in my Docs eyes as he YELLS… CALL 911 !!! Wendy CALL 911 !!!

As he literally Runs out of the office I see Bk starting to tear up BIG TIME she really WORRIED… this is where it starts getting a little serial… I’m thinking this is Not Good… Not Good at ALL… So I try to block the Doc and Bk out so it’s just Me and My Breathe… Stay Calm… You CAN Do This… Breathe MFer Breathe… but nothing is happening… My Throat has Locked… NO AIR… My body is turning on me or trying to really Tell me something… At that point I do my very best to go completely inward… it all was starting to feel like a movie and then I get some movement…

Thank GOD that I’ve spent the last 16 years (yeah 16 years) learning to Own my Breathe because using my abdominals and my obliques I somehow finally started to get a little pattern going… and FINALLY a little air comes in … a little air goes out and then a little more AIR in and a little more out… it felt like 5 minutes had passed but it was most likely more likely 30 to 45 seconds BUT as you can imaging it felt like a LIFETIME…

As I started getting through it I started thinking what a great story I have when I teach the Breathing section of my next DDPY workshop:) Lemons… Lemonade… Right wink emoticon So now Bk starts her strong girl fighting back the tears and comes over and damn near squeezzzzes the life right out of me (I know true love xo) Next I have to convince the Doc to cancel the 911 call but he’s not doing that till he’s sure I’m Kool… He also says I want you over at Piedmont ICU unit now (it’s like a mile away) You could have died right there… He said… it was serious and I’m NOT letting you go anywhere till we break all that mucus up… Some of the official medical term are the vocal cord swelling and scaring subglottic tracheitis and we might have to operate… Operate???

So as you can imagine I’m taking this all very serious… So far tonight I’m done Vaporized Steroid treatment… shots and pills… But the Main Treatment I’m doing every minute of the day and night is a mask that blowing mist into my mist into my mouth 24/7 to loosen the shit up trapped under my throat (Remember the mist if you continue reading this War & Peace Blog)

Now if you know me … You know I have to sleep like ELVIS (not the pilled up King of Rock Elvis but the King of Total Silence & Darkness Elvis… I’ve been known to duck tape and thumb tack curtains in hotel rooms to the walls to keep the room dark and you can ask Scott Hall or Jake for details… I could never sleep with a mask on my face) Hell NO I can’t sleep with anything on face… Btw it’s 4:52am as I write… But I digress …

How did this crazy long blog happen…
Where did I find the time…
It started because my buddy Henry Dembski wrote me something that kind of pissed me off tonight… Now those of you who know Henry (I mean really know Henry) know he’s a good guy but he’s very opinionated and most times I let his opinionated shit slide because it’s just his opinion (Scott Hall taught me that) but around 1am this morning I started to fire back on his email and I really got into it … Why? Or How did I find the time to write such a long detailed email back to him (You guys don’t get to see what I wrote to Henry because that’s between me and my long time buddy and YRG OG) … When I started to tell him why I was actually reacting to his opinionated rant (I never take the time if something’s negative) I wanted him to know why I was taking the time to Fire back and it got me detailing everything out him and I thought why not let everyone who cares about me know what’s really happening before the internet makes up it’s OWN Story (not that that would ever happen wink emoticon So I’m bringing you guys up to speed and this blog was kinda INSPIRED by Henry:) So theirs a positive to your email bro smile emoticon

So now back to the this Crazy journey which is GOD’s way of telling my 2 months from 59 year young ass to Sloooow down a bit:)

Over the last month I worked my vocal cords so much doing countless interviews ramping up on a Friday January 9th 2015 as I was heading into NYC for the PURE YOGA Workshop… after 14 straight hours of PR and workshops I had lined up… it finally shut my voice almost off… I could barely go past a whisper… Thank GOD I didn’t have the next workshop till Sunday… So Bk and I hopped on a train to headed for a day of travel to Hyatt for the Newport RI Workshop run by my buddy Jennifer… I was really looking forward to having a drink with so many of Team DDPY that had made the journey to RI early but when I got there I literally had NO VOICE at all… It was kinda scary to me because this was the first time this had ever happened to me… LIKE NO VOICE AT ALL… So when we got to our room Bk made me take a hot shower for 2 hours till my throat started to loosened up (Sound Familiar … Mist in my throat… Bk is one Smart mommy) She also left the shower going all night so it would act as a humidifier (Smart SMART lady my future Wife:)

I woke up in the am and I could semi talk and considering I had 151 paid members of Team DDPY members waiting… All could think was Thank GOD and Bk… The people who come to my workshops are AMAZING! I encourage everyone and anyone at any fitness level to give one a try and you’ll know what all the fuss is about:) Most of them drove anywhere from 1 to 13 hours to see me and there was No Way I was going to disappoint any of them… I HAD TO PERFORM and with GOD’s HELP I did a 4 1/2 hour workshop and stood for pictures and I’ll be damned it wasn’t maybe the best one I’ve ever done…
Every time I do a DDPY Workshop they get better…


Right after I finished greeting everyone my voice started shutting down again. Bk and I flew back to the ATL that night getting back to the Crib about 9ish…

Rest HA HA HA that’s funny (I can always count on my brother Scott Hall to pull me aside when see’s me pushing… Dallie go take some time for you bro… he will make me shut down but this time we were both a little busy) I rested but it really didn’t help much because when I got home I had to jump right back to building the DDPY Performance Center and our APP/Network … About 5 days in I could semi talk but I figure I’m not Really getting any better so I go see my family doc who says he’s going to give me the Steroid pack a shot (that hurt like hell) and pregnazone (I aborted the spelling there… Ha who cares its bad shit I never take it but this time I felt I better do what I’m told) He also gave me a name to an ENT doc just in case none of that worked…

Oh Yeah we also needed to pack for the biggest moment in the last 13 years for Jake Scott Steve and I… We (all of the Crib Crew… YES I flew my whole Crew who worked on our movie out there to Park City because I was so DAMN PROUD of all those guys who worked so hard on our movie and they did an AWARD Winning job… Steve felt the same way and showed it by Renting the Multi Million dollar Park City Crib) for the all the boys to stay at for Premier of “The Resurrection of Jake the Snake”

So I knew it was going to be time to turn up on the interviews again…

So just to be safe I figure I better go see the ENT doctor that my family doc had given me before I leave for PC… When I see him he does the same thing with that camera… He put that long 18 inch hose up my nose not once but twice and he pulls it out like a whip (I’m like WTF) and he says Ooooh that’s not good… I say great bedside manner doc… he says That’s NO GOOD AT ALL… iT’S REALLY BAD … And I say… How Bad is Bad… and he says… it’s not Cancer Bad… but it’s BAD…
I’ve never seen this before… and he turns and walks out of the room and comes back with the head cheese doctor and they do the camera thing AGAIN… UP my nose Again like he’s putting Rota Ruder in a toilet and he’s like… you have serious reflux issues… worst I’ve ever seen and then he pushes the camera DEEPER and you guested it… I start gagging and I say to the doctors… I’m choking on this F***ing thing doc … I said to the doc with the camera and he says… you’re not choking… I’m thinking WTF did he just say and I say I am choking and mumble out I CAN’T BREATHE and the fucking doc says to me NO YOU’RE NOT CHOKING YOU CAN BREATHE … so now I start moving with a WTF purpose as I’m MUMBLING… NO I CAN’T and he WHIPPED the camera out which tripped something and I got my breathe back in about 5 seconds…

I wasn’t really mad… He was so convincing I just thought to myself I must be being a pussy and I shook it off… The doctor told me take these pills and in haller (which would end up doing nothing) and told me to come back in a month. Hmmmmmmmm Thank GOD Sheri Adair came by see me to get her scoop on the DDPY PC for her “Best Self” magazine and gave me my New maybe lifesaving ENT… Btw this was yesterday… Who knows what would have happen without her coming by…

Back to Park City
So Thank GOD I’m in Park City with two of the most entertaining promo guys on the planet (Jake and Scott and even Steve were Amazing… Damn Steve came a long way from getting ready to be on Shark TANK with me… I’m so Proud of him on so many levels)

Anyway I think I could have just pushed through all the interviews while we were in Park City which is so beautiful but it’s also so DRY which actually started my noise bleeding out of Nowhere (back in the 80tys I might have understood
nose bleeding wink emoticon but the last 30 years … I was like WTF) my throats was so dry Bk and Kim went out to get me a humidifier but I couldn’t use it yet cause I had to sneak out on Saturday morning to fly to the ROYAL RUMBLE and know one knew except Steve and I told Scott and Jake right before I left…

I can’t fly into PHILLY because the fans will see me at the airport so they had to fly me into Newark and the only flights (connections) I can get on gets me in like midnight after flying all day (Brutal on my throat) next day they limo us in and hide us on the bus for about 8 hours so nobody knows who there (BUBBA was so funny… for the first 5 hours he held up good but the last 3 hours he was like a caged animal) anyway if you saw the Rumble (can’t believe because of weather they had to play the RUMBLE on Monday RAW… Thank You GOD… Best push I ever got with the company… special Thanks to PS Hayes and Carrano… Stardust… FanDango… Wyatt and Rusev smile emoticon You know it was an Awesome night for DDP and DDPY … Diamond Cutters for EVERYONE:) Next morning cause of the weather it took me 14 hours to get back to Park City (BRUTAL but Worth IT)… I needed to get back for our second showing of Jake’s movie which again was met with RAVE Reviews smile emoticon Here are a few.




Which bring me back to the ATL where I try to literally lay in bed for two days so I only talk to people I absolutely have to and that was with a whisper… it helped a little but not really because five days later I’m sitting right here in the ICU … It’s 7:4am no sleep but then again I don’t see how anyone can sleep in an ICU because they come in and wake you up every couple of hours… HA! You gotta LAUGH because if you start bitching you get no help at all wink emoticon I have some Awesome Nurses especially Shanice… She gets 5 out of 5 stars… I’ll write you later when I have something new to say… Stay Strong TEAM DDPY
I will take all of your strength where ever this road leads me.

Share if you feel IT smile emoticon


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