Dana White Reacts To Brock Lesnar’s Big WWE Announcement (Video), Roman Reigns On Conan


In the video above, UFC President Dana White reacts to the news of WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar signing a new multi-year deal with WWE.

White said he was just texting with Lesnar, who he called a stand-up guy, and he’s happy for both WWE and Brock. White said he knew about Lesnar re-signing a few hours before the news broke. White added that Lesnar did some amazing things in UFC and it was fun to have him.

– Roman Reigns appeared on Conan Tuesday night to promote his WWE World Heavyweight Title match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. Reigns talked a variety of unusual topics, including baby oil and his hair. Here are the highlights of the interview:

* Conan says the two met before, and said he was interested in Reigns’ hair. Conan compared his to Reigns’.

* Conan asks how wrestlers get a grip on each other with the baby oil, and Reigns calls it a “slippery situation.” Reigns says he was beating on Sheamus during his first WrestleMania and baby oil almost caused a big botch.

* They put over Roman Reigns’ spear, and Reigns said it was natural to adopt the move since he’s played football his entire life.

* Reigns says he wore a size 15 shoe at 15 years old. He said it was tough to shop at that age.

* Reigns is asked about being groped by female fans on the way to the ring. He said he called one the “buttcheek bandit” and tells a pretty funny story about the girl. He said the security guard asked her if it was worth it and she said “Oh yeah” and ended up getting to stay.

In all, Reigns’ appearance was a brief, four minute encounter. He was also scheduled to be on TMZ Hollywood Sports this evening, but wasn’t featured for unknown reasons. He did, however, appear on ESPN’s SportsNation.


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