Complete Mid-South Legends Fanfest Schedule For This Friday


The Mid-South Legends Fanfest announced an updated schedule of event for their Fanfest this Friday 4/4 at the Sigur Center in Chalmette, LA:

8:00 AM – Registration (VIPs pickup materials, buy tickets,) Vendor Setup

9:00 AM – Early Bird entry for all VIPs

9:30 AM – “Breakfast of Champions” Q&A with Rock-n-Roll Express, Midnight Express, Jim Cornette and Superstar Bill Dundee (Open to all VIPs)

10:00 AM – Doors open to Public

11:00 AM – Session One Autograph Signing:
Rock-n-Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)
Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey)
Jim Cornette
The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers)
Superstar Bill Dundee
11:00 AM – Photo Ops 1: Mr. Wrestling II, Mr. Olympia Jerry Stubbs, SoCal Val

12 Noon – Photo Ops 2: Dark Journey, Porkchop Cash, Sheepherder Luke

1:00 PM – Photo Ops 3: Cowboy Bill Watts, Kamala with Friday

2:00 PM – Session Two Autograph Signing:
Cowboy Bill Watts
Kamala with Friday
Mr. Wrestling II
Mr. Olympia Jerry Stubbs
Sheepherder Luke
Dark Journey
Porkchop Cash
2:00 PM – Photo Ops 4: Fantastics, Superstar Bill Dundee, SoCal Val

3:00 PM – Photo Ops 5: Rock-n-Roll Express, Midnight Express, Jim Cornette

4:30 PM – Photo Ops 6: Bill Watts & Jim Cornette

4:45 PM – Early Entrance to Cajun Style Dinner (Open to Platinum VIPs only)

5:00 PM – Q&A with Cowboy Bill Watts and Jim Cornette (Open to all VIPs)

6:30 PM – Doors open for “Battle Lines” Live Wrestling Event

7:30 PM – Belltime for “Battle Lines” Live Wrestling Event

Registration and ticket pick-up Information

Tickets can be picked up or purchased on the day of the event at the Sigur Center. You will just need to show your id we have all of your other information including tshirt sizes for VIP’s etc. When you check in you will receive your “Battle Lines” event ticket if you ordered a VIP tickets, a lanyard identification and a wristband that will let you to come and go throughout the day. You will need both your lanyard and wristband for entry to the FanFest and Cajun dinner.

In addition to the ticket, lanyard and wristband you will also receive your photo op tickets, t-shirt, souvenir program and any 8×10 photos that you purchased in advance.

Photo Ops

Photo Ops can be paid for and reserved in advance now at All photos taken with the Legends will be printed out as 8×10 photos and will be available for pick up within hours at the photo table at the Fanfest venue. All of the stars will be available for photos so reserve your spot with your favorite legend now.

For the Jim Cornette/Bill Watts photo op the goal is to have those photos back to everyone by the end of the Cornette/Watts Q & A session.

Questions and Answer Sessions

There will be two Q & A sessions during the day. The first one will start at 9:30am while a continental breakfast is being served for the VIP ticket holders. Jim Cornette will host the session with the Rock N Roll Express, The Midnight Express and Bill Dundee.

Then the second Q & A session will start at approximately 5:00pm with Jim Cornette and Bill Watts. This will be held during the Cajun Dinner. Seating starts at 4:45pm as the Fanfest winds down.

Have your questions ready for what should be two very entertaining and informative sessions.

Cajun Dinner

The Cajun Dinner for Platinum VIP ticket holders starts at approximately 5:00pm. Seating will start at 4:45pm. The Ballroom for the dinner is in the same building complex as the Sigur Center where the Fanfest will take place. A special entrance to the ballroom for the VIP Platinum ticket holders will be marked. This will be a buffet style dinner with two serving tables. Seating will be at round tables with the legends sitting at many of the tables.


Platinum VIP ticket holders only get two free autographs per legend. (Your photo tickets will be given to you at registration).

Autograph tickets can be purchased on the day of the event for a nominal fee.

At registration every ticket holder will be issued a number so that time standing in lines will be shortened. Just like at the deli and announcement will be made on which numbers will be getting their autographs with certain legends at that time.

Battle Lines

In the evening the Legends of Mid South Wrestling and the stars of tomorrow will participate in the Battle Lines wrestling event. The doors open at 6:30pm with bell time at 7:30pm. Platinum and Gold VIP ticket holders will have preferential ring side reserved seating. Just present your ticket at the door to the arena.

To date, tickets have been sold in seven countries and over 20 different states so enjoy the event and we look forward to meeting each of you.

If you have additional questions please send them to Also stay up to date with the event by visiting our website


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