CM Punk On If He Will Ever Wrestle Again, WWE Possibly Taking Action Against Punk


Chris Van Vliet from CBS-19 spoke with CM Punk on the red carpet at the AP Music Awards at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland tonight. You can watch the full interview above, below are some highlights:

How he feels:

“I feel f–king awesome! Look at me, how do I look? It’s not so much how you feel anymore, it’s how you look.”

Co-hosting the AP Music Awards pre-show:

“I was asked a long time ago, honestly I think I was originally asked to host it. But I had prior engagements that wouldn’t have allowed my to be here on a Monday and those fell through and here I am.”

If there’s ever a chance he’ll wrestle again:

“No. No, never. NEVER EVER! NEVER EVER EVER [smiles].. They’re going to go crazy about that on Twitter. They’re going to like hold me to it, but whatever.”

F4WOnline reports that WWE officials are not happy with CM Punk and the way everything has went down with his departure. It’s said that there are definitely issues between them right now.

While it may appear that Punk’s contract ended and everything went smooth, that’s not the case and WWE does not see it like that. This is not confirmed to happen but there is definitely a feeling that something may be happening on WWE’s end soon, possibly some kind of consequences for Punk for how he left the company.


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