Chris Jericho On “The Streak”, CM Punk, Return To WWE, More


Source: Digital Spy

Digital Spy has a great interview with Chris Jericho, who was promoting Fozzy’s appearance at the Download festival in June. Here are a few highlights:

The Undertaker’s streak ending:

“I loved it, I thought it was great. It was a legitimate shock, it got everybody talking. I think the right guy got it, if you’re going from a credibility standpoint, and if you’re going from a believability standpoint. As much as people and fans and journalists want to believe that it’s the case, I’m not sure if Undertaker had too many matches left in him. Maybe he doesn’t want to wrestle again. Maybe he knew that he couldn’t take any more. It’s a big, physical task to wrestle as it is, and once a year is hard. I wouldn’t want to come and wrestle just once a year. That’s even harder than wrestling 200 times a year, because your body’s not used to it. And the older you get, the harder it gets, the more the aches and pains kick in.

“Maybe The Undertaker decided that, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore’. And much to the fans’ chagrin, who wish that we would wrestle until the day we die at 90 years old and explode into a puff of dust in the ring, sometimes you’ve got to make that decision. If the time was now, Brock was the right guy for that day, and I thought it was amazing. And I would have hated it – hated it – if Undertaker would have retired without losing. I think that would have been a horrible way to go, I’m really happy that he lost The Streak.”

If CM Punk should return to WWE:

“I don’t know, man, who knows, right? That’s something that only he can answer for sure. To me, if he hasn’t come back already, then… I left the WWE for two-and-a-half years in 2005. The only difference was I left when my contract was up, but I disappeared too, because I just was over it. I couldn’t take it anymore, I wasn’t interested in being there, I was getting miserable, so I know how he feels. I had no intention of coming back, and after two-and-a-half years I watched Shawn Michaels vs John Cena at WrestleMania 23 and that inspired me to want to come back, but it took two-and-a-half years to get there.

“So my answer is, ‘I don’t know’, but I just know how I was when I did the same thing. It took a long time for me to be able to come back, and I was probably the same age as Punk is now too, so maybe he’s going through the same thing and after a few years he’ll come back.”

If he plans to return to WWE:

“I spoke to them in November about coming back in January, but neither of us could really agree on what it was I would be doing, and not in a bad way. If I’m going to come back, what am I going to be doing at WrestleMania? Let’s see, we’ve got Batista coming back, we’ve got Brock Lesnar coming back, we’ve got Undertaker coming back, we’ve got Hulk Hogan coming back, we’ve got the ascension of Bray Wyatt, we’ve got the ascension of The Shield, Cesaro’s ready to go and Daniel Bryan’s ready to go. Where do I fit in?

“…We have a great relationship, but if it doesn’t work for both of us, then it won’t happen. When the time comes where it does, then it will. It’s as simple as that.”

Jericho also discussed Daniel Bryan and if his title reign will last, Sting possible signing with WWE, WCW, Paul Heyman and more. You can check out the full interview by clicking here.


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