Batista Acting Review, Colt Cabana Talks WWE Release, Dolph Ziggler, More


– Dolph Ziggler noted on Twitter that he gave a shout-out to Zack Ryder by using the Rough Ryder move on SmackDown. Ryder revealed he’s been training at Curt Hawkins’ Create A Pro school in New York and tweeted the following:

“So @HEELZiggler just used the Rough Ryder on #SmackDown. I don’t think I’ve hit that move yet in 2014…besides at @CreateAPro.”

– Rick Nash of the Low Blows podcast recently spoke with Colt Cabana about wrestling podcast, other wrestlers getting their own shows and more. Cabana also commented on the day he got the call he was being cut from WWE:

“It was a bummer. I was having lunch with Trent Berreta & Tyson Kidd when I got the call. It was awkward for them I think when I told them. I definitely saw it coming as they weren’t really using me that well, but the reality of the situation was a total bummer.”

– There were several positive reviews coming out of a screening for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movie last night in Los Angeles. One viewer tweeted the following about Batista’s role as Drax the Destroyer in the movie:

“Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome summer fun. Kudos to everyone. Big props to @DaveBautista, who killed it as Drax.”

– WWE NXT Diva Veronica Lane is still out of action with a leg injury. She has been recovering in Los Angeles and attended ESPN’s ESPY awards last week with her boyfriend.


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