Colling’s Corner: What If Lex Luger Had Won The WWF World Championship?

Bob Colling Takes A Look At What Could Have Happened Had Lex Luger Won The WWF Championship At SummerSlam '93

Reliving A Feud – Issue #2: Jerry “The King” Lawler vs. Bret “Hitman” Hart

Hart vs. Lawler, relive the heated feud that went on for 2+ years, and also took place in two separate promotions... at the same time!

Reliving a Feud – Issue #9: Vader vs. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan lands himself in WCW and must face the wrath of Vader, read how Hulkamania survived the mastodon

Reliving a Feud – Issue #13: Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

In the spirit of WrestleMania weekend, Bob takes a look at the main event of WrestleMania XI when Bam Bam Bigelow took on Lawrence Taylor

The Undertaker: 10 Best WWE Stories From Shoot Interviews

With excerpts taken from multiple online and shoot interview sources, a compilation of the 10 most interesting Undertaker stories is brought to life

Colling’s Corner: The King Mabel Push: Was It That Awful?

Bob Colling looks back at the singles heel push of King Mabel circa 1995, and gives his thoughts on how it was handled

“What If…?” – What If Sid Vicious Didn’t Fail The Evil Drug Test In...

Bob Colling ponders "What If?"... What If Sid Vicious Didn’t Fail The Evil Drug Test In The WWF Circa 1992?

Reliving A Feud – Issue #1: The Undertaker vs. Mankind

We go back to 1996, when the Undertaker finally met his first real challenge in the form of the maniacal Mankind

