Promotion Wars: The Beginning

The WWF & NWA were going head to head long before the "Monday Night Wars". Read about when it all truly began!!!

Colling’s Corner: The King Mabel Push: Was It That Awful?

Bob Colling looks back at the singles heel push of King Mabel circa 1995, and gives his thoughts on how it was handled

Breaking It Down: Sting – The Franchise, Or Just A Mirage?

Steve goes back to the peak years of WCW's rise to fame and looks at one of it's most memorable figures, the franchise player Sting

Know Your History: The John Tenta vs. Koji Kitao “Shoot Fight”

We travel back to 1991 and the infamous John Tenta vs. Koji Kitao shoot that took place, learn the true story, complete with video

Colling’s Corner: Joey Mercury – A Prospect Turned Stooge

Currently member of WWE's J&J Security, Joey Mercury is much more than a stooge, which hopes to proven in the latest edition of Colling's Corner

Colling’s Corner: A Look Back At The 1994 PWI 500 Rankings

Bob Colling takes a look into the 4th installment of the PWI 500 Rankings from 1994 with Hart, Hogan, Michaels, Sting, Vader, Flair, Razor, more...

Reliving A Feud – Issue #4: Sting vs. Vampiro

Relive the 2000 feud between Sting and Vampiro, a feud that would see 'Sting' plummet 2 stories while on fire. No, Seriously, that happened

Countdown “The 5 Greatest Unscripted Disasters in Pro Wrestling” – #2: Russo Shoots On...

Countdown "The 5 Greatest Unscripted Disasters in Pro Wrestling": #2, Vince Russo Shoots On The Hulkster

