Dixie Carter Removes JR Diss; Makes Other Questionable Tweets


TNA President Dixie Carter has deleted the tweet where she took a shot at Jim Ross. Here’s what she wrote to a JR parody account:
“@WWEJimRoss @JohnGaburick it’s official. You know as little as the real JR.”

Dixie has made some other questionable tweets lately. One fan wrote that TNA’s ratings are dropping because they copy WWE’s storylines, referring to MVP’s character being similar to Triple H. Dixie replied:

“Holy s–tballs! That’s funny. But you have it wrong.”

Another fan wrote that MVP would regret the decisions he was making in the storylines. Dixie deleted her reply some time Friday night but she wrote:

“FASHO”, which for those who didn’t piece it together is slang for “For sure”.


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