The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW At The Flag Staff 6/14/96


1996-06-14 – ECW at The Flagstaff in Jim Thorpe, PA

World: Raven
TV: Pitbull 2
Tag Team: Eliminators

Dudley Boys (w/ Sign Guy Dudley) vs. Bad Crew ref Jim Molineaux
Buh Buh gets on the mic before the match and stutters to get his name out but D-Von takes the mic out of his hand. D-Von gives the Dudley commandments to Bad Crew. They attack the Bad Crew when he gets to number three. Buh Buh throws one over the top rope and they double team the other. Buh Buh hits an avalanche in the corner and D-Von with a clothesline. Slingshot gordbuster by Buh Buh, bodyslam and leg drop by D-Von. Buh Buh goes to the apron as things settle down. D-Von tags Buh Buh after a few kicks and chops and Buh Buh hits a clothesline. Bodyslam and Buh Buh goes up top but misses a splash. Tag made by the Bad Crew. Chair to the back of Buh Buh and again. D-Von gets a chair but the ref blocks him from getting in the ring. The chair gets placed on Buh Buh and one of the Bad Crew hit a Vaderbomb off the top rope. Tag mad and the Bad Crew comes into the ring with a somersault off the rope to a standing Buh Buh. Buh Buh has a bloody nose. Tag made and a double back elbow by Bad Crew gets a 2 count. Tag made and a Bad Crew member charges Buh Buh with a chair. Buh Buh gets his foot up though and both men crawl and make tags. D-Von comes in and throws both Bad Crew into the same corner and chokes them. He throws one to the floor and Buh Buh goes after him. The other goes to the floor and D-Von is after him. The Dudleys get in a bunch of chair shots. In the ring D-Von charges at a Bad Crew member but he ducks and D-Von sails over the top rope. Bad Crew hit a heart attack on Buh Buh. D-Von comes in the ring with a chair to stop the 3-count from happening and hits the ref with it. Bad Crew picks up the victory by DQ in 7.55. D-Von gets on the mic afterwards and blames Buh Buh. They argue a bit and threaten each other. Buh Buh gets a chair so D-Von begs off. He drops to his knee and apologizes and tells Buh Buh he will never be mean to him again. They hug and D-Von takes the chair and hits Buh Buh with it. He turns and hits Sign Guy also. D-Von leaves but then comes back and hits Sign Guy again. He yells at Buh Buh stomps him and hits him with a chair again. This whole segment felt like it took forever.

F.B.I. come to the ring and then Devon Storm. Storm and JT Smith talk back and forth but I can’t hear anything they are saying. Little Guido attacks and we get a bell.

F.B.I. vs. Devon Storm ref John Finnegan
Storm fights back and hits a top rope dropkick on Guido. He goes back up and hits a cross body on Smith. Storm powerbombs Guido onto Smith and hits a springboard moonsault onto both of them. Guido is able to trip up Storm and the FBI take over and Smith and Guido double team. Sal Bellomo comes down the aisle making his return to ECW! Bellomo gets up on the apron and says he’s with Storm and we have a legit tag match now.

F.B.I. vs. Devon Storm & Salvatore Bellomo ref John Finnegan
Bellomo instead of going in the ring to break up the double team goes to the apron. He just stands there and yells at Smith to get out of the ring. Why would you not have just charged the ring from the start to help out? The FBI whips in Storm and duck there heads. Storm DDTs both and makes the tag. Bellomo cleans house of the FBI. Guido rakes the eyes and they double team Bellomo. Storm gets up top and hits an awesome Diamond Cutter/Buff Blockbuster type move. He goes for the pin but the ref is distracted. Guido comes off the top rope with a fist drop and Smith covers and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage and gets the win. Total time of the whole thing 5.30.

We get an edit and come back to Storm and Bellomo fighting on the floor. Storm puts Bellomo in a chair and hits a flip over the top rope onto him. Wish I knew what caused that.

Shoot Fight Rules Match: Jason Helton vs. Paul Varelans ref Jim Molineaux
Same match as from the 8th Varelans kicks him and hits a elbow to the back of the head and knocks Helton down for the 10 count. Time of match .34.

Stevie Richards (w/ Blue Meanie) vs. Mikey Whipwreck ref John Finnegan
Stevie is dressed as “Lord” Stevie and Meanie as “Sir” Meanie. Bell rings and Richards gets on the mic. Mikey attacks him from behind and hits a back drop. Flying back elbow by Mikey. Stevie ducks a clothesline, Mikey ducks one and Mikey hits one sending Richards over the top rope. Mikey planchas to the floor onto Richards. Back in the ring Mikey runs off Richards back and flips out of the ring onto Meanie. Mikey hits a top rope crossbody and gets a 2 on Richards. Legdrop for another 2 count and Mikey grabs onto a chin lock. Richards breaks free Mikey goes for a victory roll but can’t bring Richards over. He spins to try for a frankensteiner but Stevie drops into a powerbomb. Double arm suplex by Richards gets 2. Fallaway slam as Richards does his Razor Ramon impression. Mikey blocks a hiptoss and hits a Rocker Dropper. After a two count Mikey goes up top but misses a splash. Stevie hits a powerbomb but Mikey kicks out at 2. Richards ducks his head on an irish whip and Mikey hits a DDT. Mikey goes up top but Stevie superkicks him off and to the floor. Richards with a reverse chinlock and Mikey fights back but Richards cuts him off. Meanie comes in the ring to go for the Meanisault but Mikey drops Richards on the top rope and it knocks down Meanie. Mikey hits a superkick, Meanie tries to break up the pin with a splash but hits Richards. Super frankensteiner gets the 3 more Mikey at 9.45.

Tag Team Champions The Eliminators vs. The Gangstas ref Jim Molineaux
We join this one in progress as Kronus is brawling with Mustafa and New Jack and Saturn are going at it. All on the floor of course. Kronus gets slammed through a table. Mustafa, New Jack and Saturn are in the ring now. Mustafa hits a suplex and Jack a head but off the top. Kronus gets in the ring and goes after Mustafa. Mustafa planchas onto Kronus on the floor. They go into the crowd Kronus powerbombs Mustafa on an air hockey table. Mustafa gets a chair and hits Kronus on the head then throws him through all the chairs in the crowd. They go back in the ring where New Jack is stomping on Saturn. The Gangstas dump out Kronus and hit a back suplex diving clothesline on Saturn. Kronus makes the save on the pin though. Kronus goes into the ref and they both go down. Gangstas double clothesline Kronus. Mustafa clotheslines Kronus to the floor. Mustafa gets whipped into the rail. Kronus picks up a belt and hits New Jack with it. Total Elimination and Eliminators are still champions. 8.12 is shown with the match being announced as a 9.42.

Bruise Brothers vs. Axl Rotten & “The Shah” Hack Meyers ref John Finnegan
Should be an easy win here for the brothers. Hack starts off with for his team and is powered back into a corner. He takes a few shoulders and eats a couple rights. Hack gets whipped to the other corner and gets his boot up on the charge. He fights back and the Harris brothers regroup on the floor. Hack makes a tag and they double team. Ian now in and he hammers away and makes the tag back out. Double clothesline gets a two for Hack and he goes to an arm bar. Tag to Axl and he stays on the arm. Clothesline by Axl but he misses to top rope elbow. Axl gets clotheslined down and the Harris brothers tag. Axl gets hammered on and throw to the floor. Back in Axl gets hit with another clothesline, like the 9th of the match. A few tags are made by the Bruise Brothers unitl one of them misses a corner charge. Axl makes the tag and “The Shah takes out both his opponents. All four men brawl into the crowd. Axl takes a bunch of chair shots on the floor. Hack gets hit with one in the ring. He gets picked up and the chair is held by his head as the other Bruise Brother gives it a running big boot and they get the win in 7.24

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso) vs. Sandman (w/ Missy Hyatt) ref John Finnegan
Alfonso on the mic and he says the Sandman better not bring his slut to the ring. Sandman’s music hits and here he comes with Missy. Tod Gordon comes to the ring during the introductions and tells Sandman he can’t wrestle because of his leg injury. Missy puts his face in her boobs and Alfonso attacks him. They roll to the floor as we get the bell. Sandman keeps his cane and tries to stay away from Taz. Taz dives but gets hit with the cane. Alfonso gets in the ring and hits Sandman who turns to attack Alfonso. Taz sneaks up behind and locks in the Tazmission for the win 1.42. Gordon attacks Alfonso after the match and Taz puts him in the Tazmission. Alfonso puts Missy in it and Taz puts the ref in it when he tries to break it up. Taz gets the mic and trash talks the four people on the mat. He hypes his match with Paul Varelans coming up this Saturday. Sandman tries to get back up but Alfonso hits him a few times with the cane. Taz curses at a bunch of fans, they start a “Fuck you Taz” chant. Taz has the crowd really hot as he leaves the ring.

TV Champion Pitbull 2 (w/ Francine) vs. “The Franchise” Shane Douglas ref Jim Molineaux
Douglas on the mic before the match says Pitbull could come out to the ring and get his ass kicked or save himself the beating and just hand over the belt. Guess what he did. In case you weren’t sure he didn’t just give him the belt. Lets see if he gets an ass kicking though. Pitbull makes his second title defense here. HAHA some guys are giving Shane the finger and he asks them if that’s their IQ. Lock up and Pitbull pushes Douglas back showing his opponent that he has the power advantage. Shane bails to the floor to get into the same peoples faces. Shane starts to leave and begins to get counted out. Shane threatens the ref with bodily harm if he counts him out. Pitbull 2 with a headlock and hits a shoulder tackle as Shane again bails to the floor. Back in the ring Shane in a hammerlock but still finds time to scream “Fuck you” to the fans. Shane fights out of hit and chokes Pitbull as the fans chant “Razor” at him. Pitbull reverses a corner whip but Shane tires to leap Pitbull on the charge. Pitbull catches the feet throws Shane to the apron. Suplex back in followed by a running powerslam for 2. Pitbull beats on Shane in a corner as Shane begs for mercy. Pitbull pulls Shane out of the corner by his feet and he crash in the center of the ring. Pitbull whips Shane into a corner and charges but Shane gets up the foot and hits a bulldog. Shane hits a running big boot for 2. Shane again jaws with the fans. Shane hits a body slam and goes up top with a flying somersault to a standing Pitbull. Pitbull fights back and a press slam and running back elbow both getting 2 counts. Pitbull slows things down with an arm bar. Douglas sells it but of course yells at the fans more. After about 2 minutes in the arm bar Shane tries to get out by jumping up on Pitbulls shoulders but slips and falls. Pitbull walks around the ring and then puts on a headlock. Seriously after a 2 minute arm bar you go to a headlock!! Pitbull hits a powerslam on Shane and they go the floor where Shane fights back and hits Pitbull with a chair. Back in the ring Shane hits a pile driver for 2. Pitbull fights back but ducks his head on an irish whip and Shane hits a swinging neck breaker. Shane hits the belly to belly but gets up from the pin to argue with a fan. Shane goes to the apron and Pitbull grabs him by the throat and pulls him back into the ring. Shane goes for a big boot but Pitbull catches in on his shoulder and powerbombs Shane for the win at 15.12.

World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie) vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah) ref Jim Molineaux Falls Count Anywhere
Richards on the mic before the match says Dreamer has never and will never beat Raven. Dreamer charges Raven to start the match puts his head down and runs right into a DDT. After a 2 count Raven drops a knee in between Dreamers legs and then hits a piledriver. Raven gets a chair and stands it up in the corner. He throws Dreamer into the chair. Raven then hits Dreamer with it and gets a new chair and throws Dreamer into that chair. Head-butt below the belt by Raven. Raven goes for a DDT but Dreamer pushes him back into a corner and ties him up in the tree of woe. Dreamer punches Raven in the balls repeatedly. Inverted atomic drop and powerslam get a 2 count for the challenger. Dreamer clotheslines Raven and both men go over the top rope. Right back in the ring Dreamer has a chair. He body slams Raven on it but then misses a top rope splash and hits the chair. They go back to the floor and Dreamer reverses a whip and sends Raven to the guardrail. Dreamer gets some weapons from the fans and uses them on Raven. They fight in the crowd and Raven gets busted open. Raven goes for a piledriver on the floor but Dreamer back drops him. Dreamer now hits a piledriver of his own and gets a two count. Dreamer gets shoved into a support post and they drag each other outside. Dreamer goes into a garage door and gets covered for a 2. They go back inside and Dreamer gets a piece of glass and digs it into Raven’s head. Dreamer throws the merchandise table at Raven. Dreamer goes to hit Raven but the ref gets in the way and he goes down. Raven with a low blow and he’s back in control. Stevie says he is going be ref now and takes the refs shirt. Raven hits a DDT and Stevie tries to quick count but Dreamer kicks out. Dreamer school boys Raven and Richards stops his count way before Raven kicks out. Raven accidentally hits Richards and Dreamer with another school boy. The actually ref starts a count but Raven kicks out. Dreamer charges Raven with a chair in his hands but Raven has his own chair and hits Dreamers with it. Axl Rotten gets in the ring and takes the ref shirt for some reason. Dreamer with a DDT he goes for another one but Brian Lee and one of the Bruise Brothers hits the ring while Axl is busy tying his shoe. Lee hits a chokeslam and Raven retains at 15.42. Dreamer and Beulah beat up Richards and Meanie. Axl hits the ring and gets on the mic and tells Dreamer he’s a loser. Dreamer DDTs him

My thoughts on the show
I was dying until the tag title match. Everything was moving so slow with the two tag matches being really, really, long segments. I said a few shows ago that Shane was clearly the top draw in the company. Taz has very quickly jumped up to the number 2 spot. What a stupid ass finish to this show with Axl Rotten being involved for no reason at all. This was only about 20 minutes longer than the house shows usually are but it felt like it lasted FOREVER. I powered through it though so that you didn’t have to. Avoid this show unless you’re having trouble sleeping.


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