The “OH MY GOD!” Review of ECW’s Final TV Pilot


TV Pilot #4 – Best of “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka

Back in early 1993 ECW was shopping their product around to try and get a TV deal. Four different pilots were created using matches filmed in 1992. This footage is the only known footage from 1992 to exist outside of the WWE vaults.

The fourth and final pilot that was put together by ECW features 4 matches highlighting Jimmy Snuka. While Don Muraco, Davey Boy Smith, Ivan Koloff and Jim Neidhart had all made appearances in the ECW, Snuka at the time was arguably their biggest star. He held the ECW Championship on two separate occasions and appeared on more cards than the other big stars.

We start the show with the opening theme song and then go right into our first match.

ECW Champion “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka vs. ECW Tag Team Champion Super Destroyer #1 (w/ Hunter Q Robbins III) Falls Count Anywhere ref John Finnegan (1992/09/12 from Aztec Club in Philadelphia, PA)
Snuka comes out to his old WWF theme here. We have in an outdoor venue for the match. It appears to be a bar/beach set up. This match takes place from before Snuka turned heel and subsequently joined up with Robbins. No commentary on the match and only a one camera set up. We get the opening bell and the match is underway. Both men are very cautious as neither make much of a move. They lock up and #1 pushes Snuka back to the ropes and we get a clean break. Go behind and a waist lock from #1 into a full nelson he spins Snuka around snap mares him and then racks his boots across the eyes. Snuka back up and they go into a test of strength which #1 gets the advantage on. Snuka is able to reverse it into a hammerlock but the Destroyer gets to the ropes. Top wrist lock by Destroyer Snuka fights back and pushes Destroyer to the mat. Drop toe hold into a leg vine by #1. Destroyer pulls Snuka to the middle of the ring and drops a headbutt that may have been low. Snuka’s eyes get raked across the top rope. #1 slams Snuka’s head into the buckle but it doesn’t hurt him at all. Snuka mounts a comeback with turnbuckles of his own and some head butts. Irish whip Snuka drops his head and gets kicked out of the ring. #1 follows him outside and slams his head into the mat and then the banister. The two men brawl around a bit and end up on a deck. Destroyer pushes Snuka over the railing and down maybe six feet into a pool. Back in the ring Destroyer has lost a boot. He hits a body slam and clims up top but Snuka stops him before he can get there. Destroyer is now standing on a banister 3 feet above the pool. Snuka leaps off the top rope with a crossbody and they both crash into the pool. This was VERY cool looking spot. They fight a bit in the pool and Snuka pins #1 in the water to retain the title at 10.46. After the match Snuka goes after Robbins and chases him away.

ECW Champion Don Muraco vs. “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka ref John Finnegan (1992/10/24 from Chestnut Cabaret in Philadelphia, PA)
Don Muraco would beat Jimmy Snuka for the ECW Title on September 30 right in this very same venue. This was ECWs return to the Cabaret and is Snuka’s second chance at regaining the title. He was victorious on October 3rd but only by DQ. Muraco throws the title at the ref clearly not caring about it. Snuka shoves Muraco back to begin and goes after him in the corner. Snuka grabs a side headlock, gets shoved off and hits a tackle. Snuka grabs the headlock back and starts grinding away at it. Muraco shoves off and tries for a slam but Snuka slides over the back and gets the headlock back. Muraco pushes Snuka back to the ropes and breaks free from the headlock. Muraco now laying some blows in on Snuka. Jimmy rolls out to the apron and Muraco drives his head into the turnbuckle. Muraco with some thrust to the throat. Snuka fights back with some chops and head-butts but Muraco gets the knees up on a corner charge. Muraco goes for the cover and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage and retains the title in 5.48. After the match commentator Stanley Wayne Manor goes to the ring to interview Snuka. Snuka is complaining to the ref and head-butts him. Manor puts a chair in the ring for Snuka to sit down and relax. Manor asks for Tod Gordon to come out and Snuka yells that someone better come out and fix this situation. Gordon says he doesn’t overturn any referee decisions and tells Manor to leave the ring. Manor picks up the chair and charges at Gordon but Snuka stops him from using it. Snuka takes the chair from Manor and grabs Gordon by the throat he hits Gordon with two back breakers a knee drop. Snuka goes up top for the Superfly Splash but a few werestlers run out to stop it. Snuka gets down and cleans house.

“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. “The Hitman” Tony Stetson ref John Finnegan (1992/11/16 from Chestnut Cabaret in Philadelphia, PA)
Tod Gordon is on commentary and is saying this match will not happening. Gordon hits the ring and declares Stetson the winner because Snuka has not paid his $5000 fine from the last time they were at the Cararet. Hunter Q. Robbins hits the ring and Snuka gets on the mic and says he doesn’t care about the fans and goes to leave. Robbins stops Snuka and they start talking in the corner. Robbins pulls cash out of his pocket and gives it to Snuka. Snuka hands it to Gordon and then head-butts him and we get a bell to start the match. Stetson hits a few schools boys for 2 counts and Snuka bails. Stetson goes out to check on Gorodn. Stetson goes after Snuka and throws him back into the ring. Snuka begs off and goes to complain to the ref. Stetson sneaks up with another school boy for a 2 count. Some fat guy in the crowd moons Snuka. Lots of stalling as both men just pace around the ring. Snuka backs Stetson against the ropes and they exchange blows. Snuka grabs a headlock at the 5 minute mark and jabs a thumb to the throat. Corner whip but Snuka misses the charge. Stetson bounces off the ropes hits a flying clothesline. Atomic drop and a clothesline sends Snuka over the top to the floor. Suplex brings Snuka back into the ring and gets a two count. Snuka fights back with chops and head-butts. One of them sends Stetson to the floor. Robbins hands Snuka a piece of his cane and Snuka uses it to bust open Stetson. Back in the ring Stetson ducks a clothesline but Robbins trips him. Snuka nails a piledriver but hits a body slam instead of going for the pin. Robbins gives Snuka his and Snuka comes of the ropes with it onto Stetson. The ref calls for the bell and Stetson wins by DQ at 12.20. A few other wrestlers hit the ring and get taken out by Snuka.

“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q Robbins III) vs. JT Smith (w/ Tigra) ref ?? (1992/11/28 Kensington Sports Arena in Philadelphia, PA)
Bell rings and they two men lock up. Snuka pushes Smith back into the ropes and we get a clean break. Smith grabs a side headlock Snuka reverses into one of his own. Smith throws Snuka to the ropes takes a shoulder tackle. Smith leap frogs Snuka hits a hip toss and a drop kick that sends Snuka to the floor. Back in the ring Snuka drives Smith back to the ropes and starts laying in some blows. Snuka in control with punches, kicks and chokes. Smith ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody. Snuka kicks out at 2 and goes right back to work on Smith. Snuka misses a corner charge and Smith fires back. Snuka whips Smith in Smith tries to stop himself by jumping on the second rope but slips and falls off. Irish whip and Smith ducks a clothesline Snuka then ducks one also and they both come off the ropes with Snuka hitting a flying headbutt. Snuka picks up Smith who ducks a punch and hits a back suplex. Robbins gets in the ring to distract the ref so Tigra comes in also. Smith goes after Robbins and Snuka sneaks up behind and hits nasty looking back suplex of his own. Snuka clotheslines Tigra and picks up Smith with a piledriver that gets him the win at 7.25. Tod Gordon comes to ringside and tells Snuka that in Morrisville he is going to manage Davey Boy Smith in a match against Snuka.

My thoughts on the show,
Well not much to say here other than Jimmy Snuka was terrible at this point in his career. I would suggest avoiding this show. Can’t blame them for trying to sell a pilot show based on name recognition, but Snuka was slow and had about 3 offensive moves. The first match had some cool spots with the pool so if you can get just that match go for it. Next time we jump back to 1996 with a fancam featuring World Champion Raven vs. Shane Douglas.


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