WWE Main Event Results 3/25/14 (Christian Pulled From Match)


Credit: Marc Middleton

Tonight’s WWE Main Event opens up from the TD Garden in Boston. Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton welcome us.

– We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E. The announcers talk about Christian not being here and say he suffered a slight concussion on RAW. Big E joins commentary as we go to the ring.

#1 Contender’s Match: Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus is out first followed by Alberto Del Rio. Dolph Ziggler is out next to a decent reaction. The bell rings and Sheamus takes Del Rio to the corner but Ziggler wants in. Del Rio gets double teamed.

Ziggler gets sent to the floor and Sheamus runs over Del Rio with a clothesline. Sheamus drops knees now and covers for a 2 count. More back and forth. Sheamus with a rolling senton on Ziggler for a 2 count. Sheamus keeps control of Ziggler now. Ziggler with a big dropkick and a 2 count. Sheamus taunts Big E and gets rolled up for 2. Sheamus drops an elbow on Ziggler for a 2 count. More back and forth. Del Rio hits a big enziguri and stops the forearms on the chest from the apron. We go to promos.

More back and forth after the breaks. Ziggler dodges a kick from Del Rio. Sheamus drags Ziggler out of the ring. Sheamus with forearms to the chest of Sheamus. Ziggler and Del Rio both catch Irish Curse backbreakers. Sheamus covers Del Rio for a 2 count. Ziggler stops a Brogue with a dropkick. More back and forth and lots of near falls. Sheamus sends Del Rio to the floor but turns around to a DDT from Ziggler for 2. Sheamus and Ziggler trade counters. Sheamus applies the Cloverleaf but Del Rio breaks it with a superkick. Del Rio with a 2 count on Ziggler. Ziggler hits a Fame-asser on Del Rio for a 2 count. Ziggler ends up on the floor after a Brogue. Del Rio rolls Sheamus up for 2. Sheamus with White Noise for a 2 count. Del Rio does a Backstabber on Sheamus but Ziggler turns it into a Zig Zag on Del Rio for the win.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Dolph Ziggler

– After the match, Renee Young interviews Dolph and Big E in the ring. Ziggler says he did it, he’s going to WrestleMania. Ziggler yells some more about going to WrestleMania. He says he’s going to win that Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal but he’s going to do it as Intercontinental Champion. Ziggler talks about their history and Big E responds.

– We get a look at Batista, Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton from RAW. It’s announced Batista will be on SmackDown to address the WWE Universe. We get more Network promos.

Emma, Cameron, Naomi, Eva Marie and Natalya are out first. Layla, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Tamina Snuka and Summer Rae are out next.

Layla and Natalya start things off going back and forth. Natalya with a suplex for a 2 count. Emma comes in and keeps control of Layla. Emma dances and Layla does the robot. Emma ducks a clothesline. Emma rolls Layla up for 2. Alicia comes in next as does Eva. Eva gets booed as she rolls Alicia up for 2. Eva with a headlock takedown. All the Divas start brawling. It comes back to Alicia and Eva. Summer tags in next and goes to work on Eva. Alicia comes back in and takes Eva down with a headlock. Tamina and Naomi tag in. Naomi with a big hurricanrana and more offense. Naomi with a kick to the head. Tamina catches her in a Samoan Drop but it’s countered. More offense from Naomi and a big crossbody from the top for 2. All the Divas get involved and it’s a brawl. Emma tries to teach Eva to dance and Tamina clotheslines them both. Naomi and Tamina go at it again. Tamina nails a big superkick for the win.

Winners: Layla, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Tamina Snuka and Summer Rae

– After the match, AJ gets in the ring and celebrates Tamina but Tamina looks at her like she’s crazy. AJ smiles and hugs Tamina as the fans boo. AJ skips away as the other Divas look on.

– We get a look at the John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt feud.

– Bad News Barrett appears and says John Cena is freaked out by The Wyatt Family the same way the fans get freaked out when they look in the mirror. Barrett suggests everyone wear a sheep mask because of their ugly looks.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Big E
Big E gets the win after a good back and forth match with the Big Ending.

Winner: Big E

– After the match, they come face to face in the middle of the ring hug it out to end Main Event.


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