Latest News from DDP, Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Scotty Too Hotty


As seen above, Diamond Dallas Page recently spoke with while he was in Ireland. He talked about Jake Roberts, Triple H getting more power in WWE, The Shield, CM Punk and lots more. Below are a few quotes sent to us:

His WWE Hall of Fame induction speech for Jake Roberts:
“Now I know it’s gonna be the strongest s–t I’ve ever said and I will have something planned that I’m gonna say. I’ll know what I’m going to say before I go up there, doesn’t mean I’m going to say it!”

Triple H:
“Paul Levesque aka Triple H has been one of the most solid guys I’ve ever met in this business so nobody can talk s–t about him around me. You may have your own beef with him, whoever it is but no one who don’t know ain’t got nothing to say about him around me because he’s always been a stand up guy to me.”

Ric Flair:
“I love the guy, I don’t want to have heat with him, f–k that!”


Jake “The Snake” Roberts recently spoke with the ABC News affiliate in Baltimore. Here are some highlights:

Diamond Dallas Page saving his life: “No one grows up and says they want to be an alcoholic or a drug addict. It just happens. The best way to avoid that happening to you is never trying it in the first place. I was in so much pain before getting together with Dallas. I was using coke and drinking just to get through the day. That’s not the case anymore. Dallas saved my life. I owe everything I have right now to him and helping me get back on the right path. It wasn’t rehab Dallas put me through. It was tough love and it sunk in more than any rehab I ever tried.”

Going into the WWE Hall of Fame: “Had I not gotten clean with Dallas’ help, I wouldn’t be going into the Hall of Fame. The WWE doesn’t want to put someone out there and not be able to trust what they will say in front of a worldwide audience. Being clean has given me another chance in life.”


Former WWE star Scotty 2 Hotty recently spoke with Brian Fritz of The Orlando Sentinel. Here are some highlights:

Getting back into wrestling after Old School RAW: “I realized last year I went to fire school and EMT school and graduated both of those, finished up and started looking for a job and I thought I was out of wrestling, and then I got the call to go to ‘Old School’ Raw and doing that and being there for the day I realized I know I can still go, I don’t want to be that guy embarrassing himself, I know I can still go. I’m in better shape now then the last time I was there full-time. And you just know there’s probably only a few more years where I can do this and the level I want to do it. I started taking a little bit more (bookings). I’ve said for the last few years I’m just using this as a vehicle to take me to different places I’ve never been anyways. I just went to Ecuador for the first time, South America for the first time ever, stuff like that. I tell my kids find a job that’s going to pay you to travel the world on someone else’s dime and that’s basically what I use it for now.”

Working with WWE now: “You know what’s so cool wrestling for them now? When you’re there as a full-time guy and you’re wrestling four nights a week, you kind of take it for granted. Everything is going 100 miles an hour. Whereas now, like when I went back for ‘Old School’ Raw, you go this could be the last time. And you kind of appreciate it more. You take it all in. And then same thing for NXT. This could be the last time I’m in a WWE ring. Hopefully it’s not and chances are it’s not going to be because I’m still in decent shape and relatively young. I’m sure there’ll be more coming down the road but you say that to yourself and appreciate it.”


– Below is video of Jerry Lawler talking to TMZ about how much Andre the Giant could drink. Lawler was also asked which WWE star is least like the character he plays on TV and Lawler said himself.


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