Spoilers: NXT Tapings Results from 2/28/14 (4 Weeks of Tapings)


Updated, more detailed results from the NXT Tapings @ Full Sail University on 2/28/14. Four weeks of Tapings. Thanks to Zack Zimmerman for the following:

– WWE Superstar Tensai, real name Matt Bloom, worked tonight’s NXT TV tapings on commentary as he often does. However, tonight he was reportedly introduced as Jason Alberts.

* Dark Match: The New Age Outlaws beat Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger. Decent match for what it was. The crowd was into the Outlaws. There’s some potential in the Jordan-Dillinger pairing.

Episode One:

Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and William Regal on commentary.

* NXT Champion Adrian Neville beat Camacho with the Red Arrow in a non-title match. Renee interviewed Neville in the ring and he said last night was indescribable. He said he’s not a prototype. He said he looks like an elf, comes from a place that nobody knows exists, and he has an accent that nobody can understand. He said that you can question all of those things about him, but nobody can question what he does in the ring and the NXT Title proves that. Good promo; he sounded composed and confident.

Bo Dallas interrupted and said he always tells his Bo-lievers to be good sports, but last night was unfair because Neville didn’t pin him. He said he was cashing in his rematch soon and reclaiming the NXT Title.

* Charlotte (w/Sasha Banks) beat Emma with her summersault “cutter”. Charlotte feigned a leg injury and then hit her finish on a distracted Emma.

* Corey Graves beat Yoshi Tatsu by countout. Graves cut a promo on Sami Zayn before the match talking about how Zayn never won but the people still love him. Graves beat the hell out Tatsu after. Graves applied Lucky 13 until Sami Zayn made the save. Zayn said he didn’t know they had an issue, but now they do. He said he wanted a match with Graves tonight.

* Solomon Crowe beat Sylvester Lefort with his back slingshot splash. Fine debut for Crowe (a/k/a Sami Callihan). The crowd was really into him as there are plenty of smart fans here.

* Sami Zayn beat Corey Graves with a small package. Good match.

Episode Two:

Tom Phillips, Tensai, Alex “Adamle Bad” Riley on commentary. Tensai was announced as either Jason or David Alberts.

* NXT Women’s Champion Paige beat Sasha Banks (w/Charlotte) in a non-title match with her kneeling cloverleaf chickenwing stretch. Fine match. Charlotte attacked Paige after the match until Natalya’s music hit and she made the save.

* NXT Tag Champions The Ascension beat Travis Tyler and Cal Bishop in a non-title match. The Ascension went over with The Fall of Man.

* Mason Ryan beat Wesley Blake with the cobra clutch slam.

– Before Tyler Breeze and Xavier Woods could start, Alexander Rusev interrupted. Breeze attacked Woods from behind and ducked out of the ring, leaving Woods for Rusev.

* Alexander Rusev (w/Lana) beat Xavier Woods. Rusev won with the Accolade.

* Bo Dallas beat Colin Cassady with a double-underhook DDT. This went way longer than it needed to. Not very good.

Episode Three:

Tom Phillips was joined once-again by Regal and Saxton at the commentary table.

* Mojo Rawley beat Bull Dempsey. New England Patriots TE Rob Gronkowski was in the crowd wearing a Mojo shirt.

* Adam Rose beat Camacho with his lariat. This new gimmick is fantastic. Rose comes out leading a Village People-esque dance posse and performs a trust fall into their arms from the apron before they body surf him around the ring. The crowd eats it up. Just great. So much fun!

* Bayley (w/Natalya) beat Sasha Banks (w/Charlotte). Bayley won with a rollup.

* Sheamus beat Aiden English with the Brouge Kick. Before the match, Sheamus tried to sing a song of his own but English attacked him from behind. The crowd was into Sheamus big-time.

Episode Four:

* Mojo Rawley beat CJ Parker. Parker had a meltdown post-match.

* Tyler Breeze pinned Xavier Woods. Breeze got the win after the Beauty Shot.

* Corey Graves forced Yoshi Tatsu to submit to the Lucky 13. Post-match, Graves said that Sami Zayn got the message after last week and said if he’s smart he’ll stay down.

* Natalya (w/Bret Hart) beat Charlotte (w/Sasha Banks) by DQ. Sasha interfered for the DQ finish.

* Adrian Neville beat Bo Dallas to retain the NXT Championship. Neville scored the pinfall after an imploding 450 splash. Very nice match.



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