The “OH MY GOD!” Video Review: ECW Fancam 4/12/96 from Glenolden, PA


THE “OH MY GOD!” ECW Video Review!

Fancam 1996-04-12 from the Briarcliff Fieldhouse in Glenolden, PA

JT Smith vs. El Puerto Ricano ref Pee Wee Moore

Smith starts off with a take down and some ground work that ends in a chin lock. Smith backs off and complains the El Puerto Ricano is to greasy. Ricano back flips out off a back drop attempt and hits a drop kick. Some basic back and forth countering and Smith ends up on the floor after being hit with a drop kick. Ricano with a suicide dive and the crowd gets on Smith with “JT sucks” chant. Smith back in and we get an “asshole” chant. Back in the ring and Smith in control hits a handspring of the ropes into a splash for a 2 count. Somersault from the apron onto Ricano for another 2. Ricano hits a swinging DDT from the second rope for a 2. Crowd being very rude to Smith. Ricano in the corner and he head scissors Smith and hits a really nice looking frankenstiener followed by a top rope dropkick. He goes for another one but misses. Smith picks him up for a suplex with out hooking the arm over his neck and flips Ricano into a sitout power bomb. Very nice looking move for the win at the 6.51 mark.

Taz (w/Bill Alfonso) vs. Damien Stone ref John Finnegan

Stone would soon become Little Guido. God that whistle is so annoying. Some arm work start that ends in an arm bar, Stone to the ropes for the break. Clothesline by Taz. T-bone Tazplex followed by stomps. Stone with a quick burst of offense drop kick, stomps, hip toss, misses a somersault off the top rope. Taz dumps him on the top of his head with a German Tazplex and follows with the Tazmission for the win in 3.01. Taz gets on the mic but it’s always very hard to understand promos on these fancams.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/Sign Guy, Chubby & Big Dick Dudley) vs. TV Champion 2 Cold Scorpio ref Jim Molineaux

Mic work by both men to start and again I can’t understand what’s being said. Scorpio bails right away and grabs the mic again. The only words I can hear are “dance off mutha fucka” and I get really excited! Scorpios music hits and they each take 3 turns dancing and it’s fucking fantastic. Scorpio ends the dance party by attacking Buh Buh while he break dances much to my dismay. As soon as Buh Buh gets the upper hand Scorp bails out to slow him down. Brawling and choking from Scorpio in the early stages of the match. He bails again when Buh Buh hits a shoulder block. Back in and more kicks and punches by Scorpio. Nine minutes into the match counting the dance off and not one move. Flying clothesline and a top rope dropkick sends Buh Buh to the floor and Scorpio flies over the top with a crossbody. Whip to the guardrail Scorpio follows it in but gets backdropped into the crowd and irish whipped into a Big Dick clothesline. Sidewalk slam gets a 2 for Buh Buh but he misses a 2nd rope splash. Superkick and moonsault by Scorpio gets him a 2 count. Buh Buh Bomb for 2 Scorpio gets up and hits a superkick and 2nd rope knee drop. He goes up top for a second moonsault which gets him the victory.

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Damien 666 ref Pee Wee Moore

Jericho hits a back drop early on hits the ropes and lands a running stomp. Submission attempt by Jericho. Damien lands a bunch of kicks to Jericho’s face and the fans start a “Muta” chant at Damien. Two foreign guys with face paint sure they must be the same person. Damien with a head scissor that sends Jericho to the floor and he follows that up with a suicide dive. Back in the ring Damien with a chair and he channels Sabu and leg drops Jericho with it and gets a 2 count. Damien goes up top and we get our first good look at his face paint and its kinda creepy. Jericho cuts him off and they are both standing on the top rope. Jericho drop kicks Damien who falls all the way to the floor. OUCH! Well maybe not as he gets back up in about 1 second. Back on the apron and Jericho lunges at him and they both crash onto the time keepers table. Jericho suplexs Damien from the apron for a 2 count. Belly to back for a 2 count. Double underhook powerbomb for 2. Jericho shrieking at the ref each time to count faster. Top rope splash for 2. Another power bomb attempt by Jericho awkwardly reversed into a hurricanrana. Damien misses a moonsault and lands on a chair he had brought into the ring. Jericho drop kicks the chair into him for another 2 count. Jericho hits a dragon suplex and gets the win.

The Bad Crew vs. The Gangstas ref Jim Molineaux

Gangstas hit the ring and not surprisingly we have a brawl. Into the crowd we go after about 30 seconds. We hang with New Jack the whole time and get the usual punch, kick, chair repeat. After about 4 minutes New Jack actual gets in the ring. So we run down to the aisle where Mustafa is The Eliminators come out and attack him. New Jack comes out with a night stick to make the save. Kronus is fighting with someone in the crowd over a chair and I think he might kill the person. The Gangstas are down after a TON of chair shots. Bad Crew wins by countout. Really? Gangstas get taken out on stretcher

– We get a crowd shot and there’s a kid no more then ten screaming “fuck you” at the camera and flipping it off. Savage.

World Champion Raven (w/Kimona Wanaleya, Brian Lee, “Dancin” Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie) vs. Axl Rotten ref John Finnegan

Raven tells Kimona to leave and slaps her when she doesn’t. Brian Lee takes her to the back. Axl realizing he his outnumbered leaves and comes back with Hack Meyers. Brawling to start Axl gets a 2 count after a clothesline. Sunset flip and small package both get 2 for Axl. Raven tossed to the floor and takes a chair across the back. Raven hits the guardrail a few times. Back in the ring Axl works over Raven’s injured foot and locks in a figure four. Meanie in the ring but Meyers cuts him off. Superkick by Stevie as the ref is distracted. DDT at 6.33 and Raven retains the title.

– “The Franchise” Shane Douglas comes down and talks shit about Shawn Michaels. He issues an open challenge to anyone in the looker room. Out come Raven, The Blue Meanie, “Dancin” Steve Richards and “Primetime” Brian Lee. They hit the ring and attack Douglas. After a few minutes Sandman hits the ring and tells Raven and his guys to get out of the ring. Douglas is tied up in the ropes and the Sandman mocks him. Sandman canes referee Jim Molineaux. Douglas kicks him low and gets himself free and we get…

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. The Sandman ref Jim Molineaux

Headbutts and stomps to Sandman’s groin and Douglas crotches him on the bottom rope. An inverted atomic drop as Douglas really targets the man-bag of Sandman early on. Outside the ring some chairs to the head of Sandman. Douglas crotches him on a chair and punches him right in the nuts. Douglas drags Sandman under the ring so he can pull him into the ring post. Well if the alcohol hadn’t already killed all his sperm. Sandman fights back and throws Douglas into the crowd then drops and elbow. Sandman throws part of the guardrail into the ring and Irish whips Douglas into it. Suplex onto the rail and Douglas is rolling on the ground in pain. Sandman picks up the rail but Douglas drop kicks him in the back. Sandman hits the turnbuckle but falls backwards hitting Douglas. Sandman now with the cane but Douglas hits a low blow. He turns his back on Sandman to pose and takes the cane between the legs. Both men are down and Raven comes back out. Cross pose over Sandman and crotch shot for him. Lee, Richards, and Meanie hit the ring now and Shane just leaves. Sandman gets a big boot and chair to the head from Lee. After a minute of Sandman being beat down Shane returns with a cane of his own to chase off the Nest. Shane gets the mic and tells us that he hates Sandman and Tommy Dreamer but not as much as he hates Raven. So we’ll call this one a no contest.

Billy Black vs. Sabu ref John Finnegan

Black with the early advantage and hits a crossbody off the top rope to the floor. Sabu with a spin kick back in the ring followed by a spring board leg lariat. Air Sabu for a 2 count. Corner whip reversed by Black and he follows with a clothesline. Sabu reverses a suplex but takes a big boot as he tries to follow it up. Sabu flips out of a back drop hits a back kick and Black stumbles to the floor. Sabu from the ring runs up a chair springboards off the ropes and dives at into the crowd at Black and he pretty much misses. Back in the ring now and Black hits a German suplex for 2. Both man hit heads after and Irish whip and the ref starts the ten count. Back up and Sabu get a corner whip followed by a clothesline and flipping leg drop from the apron to the inside of the ring. Fans chanting for a table to be used. Springboard moonsault by Sabu for 2 and he misses a second flipping leg drop from the outside in. Bulldog by Black but he misses a top rope moonsault. Sabu sends Black to the floor and lays him on a table. Sabu flips out of the ring and hits Black with a senton the table doesn’t break and Sabu actually bounces back up into the air after hitting Black. Air Sabu misses back in the ring and Black hits a dropkick. Sabu now gets Black on the top rope runs up a chair and they botch a frankenstiener as Black lands on Sabu. Sabu grabs a chair leg drops it onto Black and gets the 3 count in 11.57.

After the match Sabu throws himself through the table in “celebration” of his victory!?!?

– Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie and Brian Lee hit the ring again. Stevie gets on the mic and asks for “The Godfather of Professional Wrestling” Damien Kane to come out. Kane comes out with Lady Alexandra and the Headhunters. From what I’m able to hear it seems the Headhunters will be replacing Stevie and Meanie in tonight’s main event. The Pitbulls music hits and we get

“Primetime” Brian Lee (w/”Dancin” Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie) and The Headhunters (w/”The Godfather of Professional Wrestling” Damien Kane & Lady Alexandra) vs. The Pitbulls & Tommy Dreamer (w/Beulah) ref Jim Molineaux

Dreamer and the Pitbulls hit the ring together and a wild brawl breaks out. Beulah and Lady Alexandra are immediately on the ground together. Dreamer and Lee are hooked up and the two tag teams separate. Will follow Dreamer and Lee all over the building and even to the outside. Pitbull 2 gets slammed onto a table and follows up by slamming on of the Headhunters onto a table himself. The table doesn’t break so he tries to jump off another table with a splash but slips and falls. After a third attempt they finally break it and Pitbull 2 gets a 2 count. The fight continues for about 7 more minutes until Dreamer goes for a pile driver on Lee but gets hit with a chair by Meanie for 2. Raven hits the ring but Tommy gets the better of him. Dreamer goes for a DDT on Raven but Lee comes in with a big boot for the win. After the match Meanie gets trapped in the ring and gets superbombed to send the fans home happy.

My thoughts on the show

Random thing I thought of while typing this up…should names to all wrestling moves be capitalized? Feel free to help me with my question in the comments section.

House shows are always a pretty tough thing to review. Nothing of importance usually happens and of course when it comes to mic time it’s impossible to hear anything. That being said I mildly enjoyed this show. The few things I felt worth seeing would be the dance off in the Scorpio Buh Buh match. If you couldn’t tell from my review I loved it. The Douglas/Sandman fight was interested as I have never seen someone work a body part quite like Douglas did when he pick Sandman’s testicles. This was clearly playing off of how TV ended last time. The main event was a fun brawl too. The rest of the show was nothing at all special. As I said mildly recommended but if you don’t already have it don’t go out of your way to see this show.


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