ECW Results: 1992


(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, The Torch, The W.O.N., Jason Campbell, and various magazine publications)

ECW Wrestling Results 1992

Promoting the Area of: Pennsylvania
Promoter: Tod Gordon

2/25/92 – ECW “Market Street Mayhem” in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports  Bar
Jimmy Jannetty drew Stevie Richards (20:00).
Glenn Osbourne defeated Crybaby Waldo.
The Super Destroyer #1 defeated Michael Bruno when Super Destroyer #2 defeated  Bruno.
Tony Stetson defeated Ivan Koloff.
Jeff Royal defeated Max Thrasher.
Johnny Hotbody & Larry Winters double DQ with DC Drake & JT Smith.

3/24/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports Bar
King Kaluha defeated Max Thrasher.
CN Redd defeated Rick Perez.
Cry Baby Waldo defeated Mr. Anthony.
DC Drake & JT Smith defeated Johnny Hotbody & Larry Winters when Smith defeated  Winters.
Glenn Osbourne defeated Jimmy Jannetty.
Stevie Richards & Derrick Domino defeated The Super Destroyers via forfeit.
Ivan Koloff defeated Tony Stetson in a “Russian chain” match.

4/25/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Taber Youth Association (Attendance: 425)
Salvatore Bellomo won a “battle royal.” Also in the match were: Mr. Anthony,  Jim Curry, Glenn Osbourne, Mr. Perez, Pitbull Rex, Stevie Richards, JT Smith,  Tony Stetson, and Max Thrasher.
Jimmy Snuka won a “battle royal.” Also in the match were: Don E. Allen,  Crybaby Waldo, Johnny Hotbody, Jimmy Jannetty, Pitbull Spike, CN Redd, John  Rock, Jeff Royal, and Mr. Sandman.
Jimmy Snuka defeated Salvatore Bellomo to become the first ECW Champ.
Cry Baby Waldo defeated CN Redd.
Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez defeated JT Smith & Jim Curry when Anthony defeated  Curry.
Jimmy Jannetty defeated Glenn Osbourne.
Mr. Sandman defeated Tony Stetson.
The Pitbulls defeated Jeff Royal & Johnny Hotbody.

4/26/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports Bar (Attendance: 320)
Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez defeated King Kaluha & CN Redd when Perez defeated Redd.
Cry Baby Waldo defeated Glenn Osbourne.
The Metal Maniac defeated Stevie Richards.
Johnny Hotbody defeated Jimmy Snuka to win the ECW Title.
Salvatore Bellomo defeated Jimmy Jannetty.
Larry Winters defeated Derrick Domino.
Tony Stetson defeated Mr. Sandman in a “bunkhouse” match.
The Super Destroyers & HD Ryder double DQ with The Pitbulls & JT Smith.

5/19/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports Bar
John Rock defeated The Anchor.
Larry Winters defeated Max Thrasher.
Tony Stetson defeated The Metal Maniac via DQ.
ECW Champ Johnny Hotbody defeated Mr. Sandman.
JT Smith double count out with Jimmy Jannetty.
Chris Michaels defeated Vladimir Markoff.
The Super Destroyers defeated The Pitbulls via DQ.
Salvatore Bellomo defeated Jim Neidhart via count out.

5/25/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports Bar
Salvatore Bellomo defeated Stevie Richards.
The Super Destroyers defeated Chris Michaels & John Rock.
Larry Winters defeated King Kaluha.
ECW Champ Johnny Hotbody defeated Jimmy Jannetty.
Tony Stetson defeated The Metal Maniac via DQ.
Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne defeated Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez.
JT Smith double count out with Mr. Sandman.
Tatsumi Fujinami defeated The Bouncer (Chris Duffy) via sleeper hold.

6/23/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports Bar
Hurricane Curry defeated Super Ninja via DQ.
The Samoan Warrior defeated The Metal Maniac.
Peaches, Don E. Allen, Johnny Hotbody, & Mr. Sandman defeated Vivacious  Veronica, Larry Winters, & Tony Stetson in a “handicap” match when Hotbody  defeated Veronica.
Don Muraco double DQ with King Kaluha.
Jim Neidhart defeated Salvatore Bellomo.
Jim Neidhart vs. Stevie Wonderful.
The Super Destroyers defeated Jimmy Jannetty & JT Smith. (ECW Tag Title Semi  Finals)
Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne defeated Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez. (ECW Tag  Title Semi Finals)
The Super Destroyers defeated Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne to become the first  ECW Tag Champs when Thrasher was pinned. (ECW Tag Title Finals)

7/14/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Original Sports Bar (Attendance: 275)
Mr. Perez defeated Jimmy Jannetty.
Scott Summers & King Kaluha defeated JT Smith & Hurricane Curry.
The Samoan Warrior defeated Jack Hammer via DQ.
Salvatore Bellomo double DQ with Tony Stetson.
ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers defeated Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne.
Tommy Cairo defeated Damian Stone.
Vladimir Markoff & The Super Ninja defeated Chris Michaels & Nikolai Volkoff.
Mr. Sandman defeated Larry Winters.
Jimmy Snuka defeated Johnny Hotbody to win the ECW Title.

7/15/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Chestnut Cabaret
Hurricane Curry defeated The Anchor.
Larry Winters & Johnny Hotbody won a “battle royal.”
Nikolai Volkoff defeated Vladimir Markoff.
Tommy Cairo defeated Damian Knight.
JT Smith defeated King Kaluha.
The Super Ninja & Scott Sommers defeated Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne.
Salvatore Bellomo defeated Tony Stetson in a “falls count anywhere” match.
Johnny Hotbody double DQ with Larry Winters.
ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka defeated Mr. Sandman.

8/12/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Chestnut Cabaret (Attendance: 200)
The Super Ninja defeated Jeff Royal (5:19).
Mr. Sandman double count out with Tommy Cairo (8:47).
Jimmy Jannetty & Gino Caruso defeated Damian Stone & John Rock (9:35) when  Jannetty defeated Rock.
The Hell Riders defeated Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne (9:24) when Osbourne was  pinned.
JT Smith & Soul Train Phillips defeated Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez (13:10).
Johnny Hotbody defeated Larry Winters to become the first ECW TV Champ.
ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka defeated Super Destroyer #1 (13:36) via DQ.
Tony Stetson No Contest against Salvatore Bellomo (11:00) in a “lumberjack”  match.

8/22/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the The Aztec Club
Damian Stone defeated Tommy Cairo via count out.
King Kaluha won a “battle royal.”
ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers defeated EZ Ryder & The Super Ninja.
JT Smith defeated Mr. Sandman.
Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty defeated Mr. Perez & John Rock.
ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka defeated King Kaluha.
Glenn Osbourne defeated Max Thrasher via DQ.
Tony Stetson defeated Salvatore Bellomo in a “loser leaves town” match.

9/12/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the The Aztec Club
ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka defeated Super Destroyer I (w/Hunter Q. Robbins III) in a  “falls count anywhere” match when Snuka pinned Super D in a swimming pool.  (11:00)
Fatu defeated The Anchor and Mr. X in a “handicap” match.
The Cream Team defeated The Hell Riders.
Rasta the Voodoo Mon double count out with Super Destroyer II.
The Samoan Warrior defeated Tony Stetson.
JT Smith defeated Mr. Sandman.
Glenn Osbourne defeated Max Thrasher via DQ.
Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty defeated King Kaluha & Scott Sommers.
Tommy Cairo defeated Damian Stone.

9/30/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Chestnut Cabaret (Attendance: 220)
Mr. Sandman and Glenn Osbourne won a “battle royal.”
Super Destroyer I double count out with Super Destroyer II.
Max Thrasher defeated Kodiak Bear.
Tony Stetson defeated The Anchor.
Tommy Cairo double DQ with JT Smith.
EZ Ryder double DQ with HD Ryder.
Mr. X (The Rockin’ Rebel) defeated Jimmy Jannetty via count out.
Terry Taylor defeated Larry Winters.
Glenn Osbourne defeated Mr. Sandman to win the vacant ECW TV Title.
Don Muraco defeated Jimmy Snuka to win the ECW Title.

10/2/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Kensington Ramblers Youth Association  (Attendance: 550)
Tommy Cairo defeated Damien Stone.
ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers defeated The Samoan Warrior & The Super  Ninja.
Mr. Sandman defeated JT Smith.
ECW Champ Don Muraco defeated Nikolai Volkoff.
King Kaluha & Scott Summers defeated Jimmy Jannetty & Larry Winters when Kaluha  defeated Jannetty.
Johnny Hotbody won a “battle royal.”
Max Thrasher double DQ with Glenn Osbourne.
Jimmy Snuka defeated Ivan Koloff.
Tony Stetson defeated Terry Taylor.

10/3/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Taber Youth Association (Attendance:  375)
Ivan Koloff won a “battle royal.”
Nikolai Volkoff defeated Vladimir Markoff.
Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty defeated Scott Summers & King Kaluha.
Tony Stetson defeated Terry Taylor.
Tommy Cairo defeated Ivan Koloff.
Rip Sawyer, Dave Casanova, & Glenn Osbourne defeated The Super Destroyers & Max  Thrasher.
The Hell Riders defeated The Metal Maniac & The Rockin’ Rebel.
JT Smith & Tigra defeated Mr. Sandman & Peaches.
Jimmy Snuka defeated ECW Champ Don Muraco via DQ

10/24/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Chestnut Cabaret (Attendance: 225)
The Rockin’ Rebel defeated Frank Cody (3:48).
ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers defeated Dave Casanova & Rip Sawyer (17:52).
Tommy Cairo defeated Ivan Koloff (10:04) in a “Russian chain” match.
Chris Michaels & Damien Stone double DQ with Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty  (11:03).
ECW Champ Don Muraco defeated Jimmy Snuka. (Stately Wayne Manor joined Snuka in  the ring following the match for an interview. Superfly snapped and attacked Tod  Gordon, Jimmy Jannetty, Larry Winters, Metal Maniac, the ring announcer, and  time keeper. This was Snuka’s heel turn.)
Johnny Hotbody double DQ with Tony Stetson (15:47).
Kodiak Bear & The Canadian Wolfman defeated The Hell Riders (7:35).
ECW TV Champ Glenn Osbourne defeated Max Thrasher (9:06).
Tigra & JT Smith defeated Peaches & Mr. Sandman (16:07) when Tigra defeated  Sandman.

11/16/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA @ the Chestnut Cabaret
Kodiak Bear & Canadian Wolfman defeated John Rock & The Anchor.
The Rockin’ Rebel defeated The Metal Maniac.
Johnny Hotbody defeated ECW TV Champ Glenn Osbourne via DQ.
Mr. Sandman defeated Don Muraco to win the ECW Title.
The Hell Riders defeated Rinestro Benifica & Frank Cody.
JT Smith defeated Max Thrasher via DQ.
Tony Stetson defeated Jimmy Snuka (w/Hunter Q. Robbins III) via DQ (12:12).  (Prior to the match, Tod Gordon came out and refused to let Snuka wrestle until  he paid a $5,000 fine from the actions at the previous show. Hunter Robbins then  came down and paid the fine for Snuka. Snuka then laid out Tod Gordon again.)
Salvatore Bellomo defeated Tommy Cairo.

11/28/92 – ECW in Philadelphia, PA
Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) pinned JT Smith (w/Tigra)  at 7:26 (after the match, Tod Gordon appeared ringside and said he had fined  Snuka a total of $15,000)

12/19/92 – ECW in Morrisville, PA @ the Morrisville High School (Attendance:  610)
Max Thrasher defeated JT Smith.
Chris Michaels & Damian Stone defeated Larry Winters & Tony Stetson via count  out.
Tommy Cairo defeated The Samoan Warrior.
ECW Champ Mr. Sandman (w/Peaches) defeated The Rockin’ Rebel via reverse  decision DQ.
ECW TV Champ Glenn Osbourne defeated The Canadian Wolfman.
The Hell Riders defeated ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers via DQ.
JT Smith won an “battle royal.” Also in the match were: Don E. Allen, Tommy  Cairo, The Canadian Wolfman, Kodiak Bear, The Metal Maniac, Chris Michaels,  Glenn Osbourne, The Samoan Warrior, Damian Stone, and Max Thrasher.
Davey Boy Smith (w/Tod Gordon) defeated Jimmy Snuka (w/Hunter Q. Robbins III).  This match has also been reported as Smith & Gordon vs. Snuka & Robbins in a tag  match.

12/92? – ECW in Kensington, PA @ the Sports Arena
Tommy Cairo pinned King Kahlua at 6:40
ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) fought  Jimmy Jannetty & Larry Winters to a time-limit draw at 7:52
ECW TV Champion Glen Osbourne defeated Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III)  via reverse decision DQ; Snuka initially won the match and title at 8:41 with a  roll up into a bridge, with a second referee coming out and counting the pinfall;  moments later, the initial referee changed the call after Snuka collided with  him prior to the finish
ECW Heavyweight Champion the Sandman (w/Peaches) pinned the Kodiak Bear (w/the  Cosmic Commander) (7:13)


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